Chapter 24 Adorable

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Ma' dudes... I have reached over 300 views. Ty so much. And... Do we have any pickle juice drinkers here? If we do, I fully support you, even though it looks like piss. 

I can't wait to write the chapter about her heat.


I run into the house and find Ellana in the kitchen.

She plugs her nose. "What is that putrid smell? Oh, my God. Take a shower!" Her astonished eyes follow my every move as I lay down on the floor.

After I'm comfortable, I lay an arm across my eyes.

"Where were you?"

"The cells," I reply simply, not bothering to look at her.

I can basically feel the disappointment radiating off her body.

I'm going to take over, if you don't go over there, and apologize.

Go over where? She's fine, I tell my wolf.

Never mind. There's nowhere to go. 

What's that supposed to mean?

I receive a heavy object on my abdomen and groan. I abruptly sit up and take in my surroundings.

Ellana is off the the side with a smirk from the Devil, himself.

I look at my lap, and see a chair.

My wolf was distracting me, so I didn't hear her moving.

My face morphs into a stern expression, and she rocks back and forth with a smile on her face. I scowl and stand. If she wants to do it that way, we can do it that way.

I check the knife on the counter to see if it's still there. It's not.

"Duh, I took the knife. I don't trust you."

I slowly make my way over to her and smirk. "You shouldn't."

"Why are you still coming at me? I have a knife!"

"I know." I've almost reached her by now, but she starts backing up.

"What? Scared?"

She scoffs. "No. Why would I be scared?" She gasps when she's reached the counter.


"No, I'm not scared. You're my mate. I'm not a wuss." She crosses her arms.

I hold Ellana's arms, watching her tense up at the sparks. I feel them, too. "How much longer do you think I can wait?" I ask.

"For what."

I can feel the colour slowly draining from my eyes as I lick my lips. "We'll, I've heard from somebody who knows somebody, that it's called Marking and Mating. I could be wrong, though."

"You're going to have to wait a week or two for that."

I growl, and my wolf is pacing in my mind, not pleased with her answer. I take a deep breath. "How come?"

"Because I'm not ready for that step, yet."

I close my eyes, not caring that she walks away. I just need to get my wolf under control.

I hear Ellana head to the stair case, and start walking up it.

"Ellana," I say.


"Come. Here."

"No. If you want me, you can come here."

I exhale in frustration and follow her.

When we reach my room, she heads in, and I close the door behind myself, locking it.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Nonononono. No. Why'd you lock it?" She points to the door.

"Can I not lock it?"

"No." She taps her chin. "Unless... Yes, that must be it. You're wolf is playing a game!"

"What do you mean?"

She laughs. She'd better be kidding. "You're so adorable."

Adorable? She just called me fucking adorable!

My wolf roars inside my head. "I'm not adorable."

"Oh, that's right. You're just cute, sorry."

"I'm not... cute."

"No? Adorable it is, then."

A deep guttural sound comes from my throat.


"You realize I can kill you, right?"

"Even more adorable! I just want to hug you and pinch your cheeks-"

I race over to her side, scoop her up, and pin her on the bed.

She frowns. "That wasn't as adorable as I thought it would be."

"Are you trying to piss me off?" I ask, softly.

"No, not necessarily... I'm just saying how adorable you ar- yeah. I am totally trying to piss you off. I'm really good at it, too! But, it's not hard when you're adora-"

Now I'm infuriated. I swing my leg over her body, so that I'm straddling her waist, and pin her wrists above her head.

"I am not. Adorable," I say through gritted teeth. "I am an alpha. You are part of my pack. You listen to me. And. I'm. Not. Cute. I'm. A. Man."

She grins, and I scowl.

"Prove it to me."

"Well, I'd start by ripping off your top. Next, your pants. Leaving you in almost nothing. Then, I'd stare at your beauty for awhile before ripping the rest of your clothes off. By then, you'd be eager enough to rip mine off, too. After that-"

"Okay! Enough!" Her face holds disgust. She finally finds the surge of strength I've been waiting for this whole time. She shoves me onto the ground. I grin up at her.

She marches into the closet. "I don't have any shitty clothes in here, though! What am I supposed to wear when the time comes?!"

I walk over to her. "Watch your language, mate."

"What?! But, you can-"

"And, what do you mean 'when the time comes'? Is that soon?"

"The point is, I don't-"

When I interrupt her again, she growls in aggravation.  

"What's that?" I point to a box on the top shelf and lean on the door frame.

"That is..." She grabs a stool and steps up onto it.

She's so short, that she needs to go on her tip toes to even get remotely close.

I know what's in the box. It's not really important. I just want to show her that I can be useful, because I'll be dead before she gets that box.

Next thing I know, the stool tips, and she wobbles a little. I don't make a move to help her, though. She didn't fall. I didn't have to.

I try to stifle my laughter.

She frowns and hits me. "I'll smack you again!"

I cover my mouth to hide my smile.

"Shut up!" She whacks me again, and loses her balance.

My arms swoop to the rescue her body that's falling in slow motion.

Her shriek fills the air and she drops into my arms.

We stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds before she clears her throat and stands up.

"Thank you," she says.

I nod at her. "Uh, I'll get the bin. Don't worry about it."

She nods back.

I purse my lips, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Um... Yup." She walks past me and leaves me alone.

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