Chapter 42 Can I Break His Nose?

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This chapter is a little shorter, sorry. 

Sorry for the time skip, but I will probably edit these books in the future, and make it better. Also, I can't wait for the next book... Uh, yes... I'm writing another one...


A few months later.

Bearing a wolf cub takes around three to four months until you conceive.

I, Ellana Vines am almost done.

I am due next week.

That would explain why I am in the hospital right now.

I whimper and Jack clutches my hand tightly.


I see the tears in her eyes. I want to hug her and kiss her, and tell her everything will be alright. I can't, though. I will attempt again.

"Can I please kiss you, meine Liebe?" (My love.)

She growls at me. "Get your fucking mouth away from me! I hate you! I am going to kill you for putting me through- Aaaahhh!"

I flinch and look at Doctor Adolf.

"Fucking get this over with!" she yells.


His eyelids flutter, and he drops to the floor.

My stomach drops. You've gotta be kidding me.

"Get her some air!" 

A mask is put over my mouth.

I groan when I feel more pain.

"Alright. You're almost done." Somebody pats my head.

I stare straight ahead. My brain is slowly shutting down.

I can't keep my eyes open.

"Shhh, it's okay. Rest your eyes."

"Uhhh, Doc? Is she supposed to be sleeping?"


I open my eyes, hissing from the light. "What the fuck," I moan. "Shut the fucking blinds."

The darkness quickly takes over, and my muscles relax.

I'm almost healed, because Aubrey really helped.

Bitch, I'm still helping, you ungrateful swine.

I ignore her comment, and look around me.

A few nurses are walking around, and one comes over to me.

"Hello. I'm Nurse Karen. How are you feeling?"

I frown. Of course I had to be stuck with a Karen. "I'm fine." I then start to fume and look to the right.

Jack is resting on the couch, completely knocked out.

"Can I break his nose?" I ask.

"I don't think so, Luna."

"Why must everybody say no?"

"Luna, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but why don't you just do it without asking people, then?" a young nurse asks.

"Oh, I never thought about that." I swing my legs over the side. "Alright."

Nurse Karen rushes over to me and puts my legs back on the bed. "Luna, you are in no condition to walk. Please sit."

I frown at her. "I just gave birth to a definitely adorable baby because of his fucking good looks. Let me fucking break his nose."

"Luna, you are not thinking clearly-"

"Did I ask for your opinion? Huh? Zip." I stand up and walk over to my sleeping boyfriend.

Aubrey whines in my head so I push her back so she won't affect my decision.

I pull my hand back, forming a fist. Then I release. I slam it down on the poor guy's face as hard as I can.

He shoots up.

"Mmmmmm!" I scream with my mouth closed. Why did that hurt so much?

"What the fuck?!"

I wince, looking at my hand. My knuckles are bleeding. "Why the fuck is your face so hard?" I ask, tearing up.

"Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" He rushes to my side, ignoring the fact that I was the one who hurt him, and myself, to be exact.

I grunt in frustration.

"Doctor, she definitely dislocated her finger." Jack sits beside me, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

I groan at my hand. My finger is sideways.

"Well, what are you doing just standing there?! Help your luna!"

Doctor Adolf winces and says, "We need to fix your broken nose-"

"I'll fix it myself!"

He rushes to me and takes my hand. "This will hurt. How did it happen?"

"Well, I was really pissed. So, I decided, why not- agh! Fuck!" Tears spring to my eyes, and run down my face. "Why do doctors always do this?" I whine. "I want my baby."

"Your baby is in the incubator. I think you need to sit back, Luna." He places a splint on my finger.

"I don't need you telling me what to do."

Jack pleads with me to sit back. 

"Fine," I huff. "But, not because I listen to doctors. It's 'cause I suddenly care for my mate's feelings."

Jack sighs gratefully, and pulls me into his lap, resting his head on the cold wall. "Damn, it's hot in here," he says suddenly.

"Alpha, Luna, meet your healthy baby girl."

I grin, taking her gently from his arms. 

She is sleeping peacefully.

"She's so cute..." Jack coos.

I smile and kiss him, taking him by surprise. "I still hate you, but she's beautiful."

He beams down at me, then looks at her.

"Can we name her Jasmine?" I ask.

"With a Y."

"With a Y," I repeat, nodding. Man, she looks exactly like him.

"She's beautiful. She has your eyes," he says, as if he read my thoughts. I guess he saw her eye colour before she fell asleep. "I did read your thoughts."

I don't even care. I'm too focused on her.

I feel the tears coming back. "Aww, fuck me. I hate being emotional."

"Don't mind if I do."

I nudge him. "What are we going to do about your broken nose?"

"I'm not worried about it."

I wince as I take some of his pain from the bond.

"You don't have to do that. I'm an alpha. I was basically born into pain."

I laugh softly. "And as your luna, I help you deal with it."

"I love you so much," he says, kissing the top of my hair.


I was so close. I lost her scent, again.

But, I think I've found it. I'm almost there.

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