Chapter 53 Gift

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I set my hand on his shoulder.

"Leave me alone. I'm trying to think."

"You've been thinking for days."

He turns to me. "Where are Ellie's family members? Who is Peter to me? What did he mean when he said that? I've never heard of him. Why is Ellana not waking up?"

"Jack... she'll be fine."

Awhile ago we moved back onto the alpha's land, but he has locked himself up.

"Why is my pack still with me after I left them?" He continues.

Before I can answer, the door opens, showing his betas.

I shake my head at them, sighing.

All hope leaves Shane's eyes, but Tyler clenches his fists, then boldly walks up to Jack.

Shane glares at Tyler in warning.

"Back up," Tyler orders.

I do as he says, not wanting to get on anyone's bad side.

I'm not expecting what comes next.

Tyler brings his fist back, socking Jack in the jaw.

I gasp. "The hell?"

Jack shoots up, but Tyler is already out the door.

"Tyler!" Jack yells, dashing right after him.

I glance at Shane, before jogging toward the door.

Shane sticks out his hand. "Leave them. Tyler will get what he deserves and Jack will be outside."

I nod. "Do you think he'll make it?"

"Honestly, if he weren't my mate, Jack would've killed him, already."

I shrug. "Honestly, if it weren't for my great cooking skills, Jack would've killed me already."

Shane thinks for a second. "Jack would've killed everyone already if we weren't useful in some way."

"That's true," I scoff. "Ungrateful son of a bitch."

Shane smirks. "He's just a big softie on the inside."

Just then, Jack enters the room, taking a seat behind his desk.

"How's Tyler?"

Jack smirks back. "How's my mate?"

Unconscious. We don't have to voice that out loud to read each other's minds.

He chews on the end of his pen, twirling it around his finger. "Well, men. Don't you have something to do?"



I lay Tyler down on my bed.

"He has a concussion, two broken ribs, and we fixed the open fracture on his arm," the doctor explains.

I sigh, dragging a hand down my face before resting my head on it.

Atticus walks in with Ace.

"Hey, bud," I say, ruffling his hair.

He smiles up at me, but then hugs Atti's leg.

"Could you, uh..." I face the Doctor Adolf, scratching my neck. "Could you check in on Ellana?"

He nods, then heads out.

I sigh. Our Luna being in a coma is having a really big toll on the pack. I just prey that she'll wake up soon.

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