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Updated two days in a row to make up for the long wait!  

This is our first chapter that doesn't follow Enid!

Let me know if you like the change!


The grand historic estate stood tall against the backdrop of the lush forest behind it.

Just ten minutes from the school campus, the home was secluded and surrounded by a vast yard.

An expensive black car raced down the curving driveway, coming to a stop before the large entrance-way doors.

Not even glancing at the beautiful architecture before him, Theodore Easton stormed inside.

He did not stop to take off his black coat, nor did he pay any attention to the startled maids as he climbed the wide marble stairs to the second floor.

Down the hall to the right and through the last door on the left, he barged into the office.

The two men already seated in the resplendent room barely gave him a glance as they continued their heated conversation.

"I didn't mean to! She misunderstood me and before I could explain myself, she was gone!" Alexander's curls were in disarray as he ran his strong hands through the locks in anger and dismay.

"Well, your brainless choice of words may have just cost us everything. I want to strangle you right now." Dante's Italian accent lashed across the room as he stood from his chair.

He walked over to the table in the corner and poured himself another glass of the expensive liquor.

"What happened?" Theodore asked through clenched teeth, throwing himself into the chair across from Alexander.

"Alex here made our Enid cry." Dante responded angrily as he handed Theodore a glass of the amber liquid.

Theodore was on his feet and clutching Alexander's dress shirt collar before any of them could blink.

"Explain." He demanded.

Alexander, normally the most levelheaded of the three, sighed as he yanked his shirt out of the other man's grip.

"I was so excited when you told us you had found her yesterday. And then Dante met her and confirmed it and I couldn't wait to meet her today. She was late and I was worried she wasn't going to come. But then she walked in and it was like my whole world stopped." Alexander's eyes glazed over slightly as he though of the little nymphet.

"I know she's distracting, but try to get to the part where you burnt it all down." Dante remarked furiously.

"She recognized my name and said she had seen me perform before. She was so excited and nervous and I just wanted to wrap her up in my arms and bring her home right then. And then she started playing. And I've never heard such insane talent. I'm not just saying that. She is the most gifted cellist I've ever encountered." Alexander began to zone out again as he remembered the magnetic performance.

The way her lithe little body swayed with the music as she ripped his heart out and reconstructed it all over again.

She was unfathomably talented.

He coughed lightly and continued.

"And I was so overwhelmed, I made a comment about not knowing how I was going to teach her. Because she's even better than I am. But she misunderstood and thought I disliked it. I tried to correct myself, but she had already run away." He ran his hand through his hair yet again.

"You asinine fool." Theodore practically growled.

The normally confident blond haired man sunk further into his seat, defeat painted across his face.

"I'm going to fix this." He whispered, almost as though he was trying to convince himself.

"You better." Dante angrily responded.

As the concern was now out in the air, the tension in the room lessened some.

Theodore shrugged out of his expensive coat, having rushed over from his final class after receiving the vague emergency text from Dante.

For a few moments, the men sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

All of them centered around one small girl.

The three men had been close from the moment they met as toddlers.

Each born to wealthy, aristocratic families, they quickly found that there were few people they could trust in this world.

Girls often wanted them for their money or looks, boys yearned to befriend them to share in some of their status.

They readily found that they needed to keep their group small.

Although not biological brothers, the men had shared everything growing up.

They knew everything about one another. Their strengths. Their faults. Their passions.

Their desires.

As the three had gone through puberty, they found something else they each desired.


With lives filled with demands and requirements from their parents and the upper class society, they were desperate for control.

They had always been incredibly handsome boys, now men.

They were the center of attention the second they entered the room.

Dominant, strong, powerful men.

Apart, they were something to be feared.

Together, they were something unstoppable.

When they were thirteen, they made a pact.

They did not want to be separated, but they had no romantic interest in each other.

With their dominant tendencies, they knew they'd need a very specific kind of partner.

Someone submissive. Innocent. Pure.

Someone that would be theirs and only theirs.

They knew that someday they would find that person.

And once they did, they agreed to share her.

To make her theirs and never let her go.

The second that Theodore's eyes had landed on the beautiful girl, he knew he had finally found the one for them.

He couldn't keep himself from calling her back to find out her name.


She was shy and sweet and better than he could have imagined.

She couldn't have been more perfect.

He had rushed to his office after class to call the two men that were his only family.

Despite the misunderstanding that had taken place, the men were determined.

They would correct the mistake and gain her trust.

Get to know her. Make her comfortable. Lure her into their web until she was theirs forever.

Anger aside, they began to plan.  

Sitting in a circle, three of the most powerful men in the world formed a strategy to capture the heart of the unaware girl a few miles down the road. 

Together they were unstoppable.


Phew, is it getting hot in here or is it just my three favorite fictional men?

Comments fill my heart with joy!

All my love, Sappho 🤍

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