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Hello my lovely readers.

I'm so sorry for the week without updates.

If I'm being honest, I've been suffering from some writer's block.

However, logging in today and seeing the immense outpouring of comments and support reignited my passion for this story.

So thank you all so much.

I hope you enjoy this more relaxed chapter.

We'll be getting into some deeper action in these next few chapters, so enjoy the peace while it lasts.

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When her eyes opened the next morning, she thought for a moment that she was still dreaming.

A white canopy hung from the ceiling above her, beautiful flowers attached to the airy fabric.

Enid stretched as she took in the large room, her memories of the night before flooding back.

This was her room.

Her home for the next few months.

The last time she had truly had a home had been over two years ago.

Enid pushed the negative train of thought way.

Now was not the time to stray into the pains of the past.

She ran her fingers along the lavish comforter that stretched across the large bed.

Slipping into the slippers left for her by the nightstand, she padded over to the bathroom.

Biting her lip with excitement, she twisted the handle of the bathtub.

She brushed her teeth as she looked over her bubble bath options, astonished at the number of bottles.

Enid sunk into the fragranced water with a sigh, her eyes drifting shut.

Once she was clean, she made her way to the massive closet.

Exquisite fabrics, endless colors.

She ran her fingers over the silky dresses and soft cashmere sweaters.

For a few moments, all she could do was stare in awe at all her options.

All in her size.

Each piece more extravagant and gorgeous than the next.

Finally, her eyes landed on a pair of pastel yellow dungarees that she immediately fell in love with.

Pairing it with a soft white sweater, she took a moment to study herself in the mirror.

Her ivory cheeks were rosy, her curls more tamed than they had ever been.

A jolt of shock down her spine.

The girl staring back at her looked pretty.

Her eyes glimmered with exuberance.

She looked loved.

So far from the lost and haunted girl who had first set foot in America.

Cracking open her bedroom door, she poked her head out to survey the common area.

It was empty.

Opening the door wider, she found a sticky note on the outer side.

Come to the kitchen once you're ready, little bird. Xx

She recognized Dante's swirling cursive and smiled.

Making the trek down the many stairways took nearly five minutes and she understood how the three men stayed so fit.

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