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When Enid returned to her dorm room that evening, she collapsed onto her bed with a smile.

All the worry and pain of the past few hours had been washed away by a feeling of excitement.

She hadn't lost her scholarship or been kicked out of the university.

More than that, Dr. Drewitt had complimented her playing.

And then they offered her a job.

She could barely wrap her mind around all of it.

Rolling onto her stomach, she pulled her laptop toward her.

She had already googled Dr. Drewitt, but she knew little about the lives other two men.

Other than that their names had been slightly familiar when she first looked over her schedule.

She started with Dr. Easton, as he was the most difficult puzzle to her.

A quick glance at his Wikipedia page told her he was 36 years old and unmarried.

As she scrolled down, she nearly gasped.

Theodore Easton was one of the most prolific researchers in the psychology field of all time.

Before coming to work at Pennington, he had been the CEO of his own successful research lab and company.

An image of him receiving an award sat at the bottom of the page and Enid stared into his blue eyes.

Even in the image, his face did not smile.

His eyes were as dark and private as ever, secrets hidden behind the wall he put forth.

They flashed like lightning as the photo was taken.

He was more than handsome.

Strong and fierce, he was like a god carved out of stone.

Scrolling along other sites, Enid found that he had received hundreds of awards for his work and brilliance.

A link to his company provided the answer to the burning question she had.

His research was focused on human sexuality.

"What makes humans come undone" was the motto scrawled across the top of the website.

She blushed deeply as she skimmed over words like "dominance" and "venereal".

It appeared Dr. Easton spent his time defining and quantifying pleasure.

Embarrassed and flushed, Enid typed in the name of her final professor.

Dr. Dante Romano.

His novels were the first thing to come up, each touting innumerable awards and statuses as best-sellers.

He was regarded as the best writer of the century at 33 years old.

His book of poetry was described as the rebirth of the romantic era.

Enid found a snippet of his book of short stories and settled back against her pillows to read it.

Enid was in tears by the time she was done.

His writing was stunning.

She recalled a word that one of her father's suitors used to use to describe her father's paintings.


His writing was sublime.

It transported her into a different world altogether.

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