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A quick trigger warning - there is an assault at the end of this chapter.

Nothing super graphic, but it does involve a character being drugged.

Please read at your own caution.

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Friday and Saturday slipped by quickly.

Enid spent her first free days outside, exploring the campus and the small town that surrounded it.

On Friday, she window shopped for a few hours and came back to her dorm room with a new plant from a lovely greenhouse shop.

It was a small fern with spots that made it look like it was smiling.

She spent most of Saturday in the library researching sadism.

The library was old and beautiful, with sweeping beams along the ceiling and stained window pains letting in the daylight.

Rows of bookshelves stretched as far as her eye could see.

She could see herself spending hours there, getting lost in the pages of the endless books.

She ran her finger along the colorful spines as she searched the "S" section.

Pulling a few books from the shelves, she tried not to gasp at the images on the covers.

Finding a table tucked in the corner, she began her research.

It was a difficult process, as she could only read a few pages before needing to stop.

By the time it got to descriptions of women or men being tied up, she decided she was done for the day.

She was bright red by the time she left.

Distracted by the sweet Autumn air as she stepped outside, she accidentally ran into the person coming into the library.

"Enid! I was just about to text you!" Emilia smiled brightly at her.

"Oh! Well, I'm so sorry for bumping into you." She smiled back at the girl.

"No worries. Anyways, the bonfire is tonight at eight, should I pick you up at your dorm?" Emilia waved her apology off.

Enid shifted uncomfortably on her feet.

She hadn't thought much about the bonfire with all the distractions she had going on.

Three distractions to be exact.

"Erm, I'm not sure I'm going..." She trailed off, watching as Emilia deflated slightly.

"Oh okay. Well, if you change your mind just shoot me a text!" The friendly girl waved farewell as she opened the doors to the library.

Enid bit her lip, wondering if she had made a mistake.

Something in her gut told her not to go.

But she didn't want to ruin her first chance at making a friend here.

"Actually, wait. I'll come. We could meet by the coffee shop if that's okay." Enid spoke quickly and the other girl turned around with a large smile.

"Great! I'll see you at eight!" She responded happily before finally slipping inside the building.

Enid worried the entire way back to her dorm room.

By the time that eight rolled around, she had tried on six different outfits and had nearly texted to cancel three times.

With a minute to spare, Enid threw on her pink knit sweater and some leggings before slipping on her boots and heading out the door.

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