Piano Keys

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Hello lovely people!

Back to the immortal estate we go.

♪    ♪    ♪

The estate was as massive as Enid remembered from her first visit.

Dante helped her climb out of his car as Theodore pulled up behind them.

The front foyer was not empty like she had expected.

Alexander stood in deep conversation with the man she had met at the charity event, Graham.

At the sound of the door closing, the two men glanced up.

"Good, you're here. We've got lots to discuss." Graham said before noticing her small frame hidden behind their large ones.

"Ah, I didn't realize your little one was going to be joining us. Lovely to see you again, butterfly." His smile friendly.

All three men glared at the nickname.

"Enid is going to stay with Alex while you fill us in. And I recommend you call her by her name and nothing else." Theodore spoke through gritted teeth.

"Of course... Well, shall we begin?" Graham responded, muffling his chuckle and Dante gestured toward the hallway on their right.

Theodore's austere expression the last she saw as the trio disappeared down the hallway.

Alexander exhaled as their voices faded.

"Hey there pretty girl." He smiled warmly at her.

His long legs guided him gracefully toward her, diminishing the distance between them.

His arms wrapped around her waist and he dragged his nose back and forth across hers.

A blush warmed her cheeks as she smiled up at the golden-haired man.

He was wearing a burgundy cashmere sweater over his button down.

Enid thought he looked wonderful.

"It's been far too long since I've had you in my arms, angel." His cool, minty breath washed over her flushed skin.

"I missed you." She whispered in response.

A grin lit up his face and he pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"Come with me, there's something I want to show you." He grabbed her hand before turning to walk down a hallway she had not yet been down.

Their short walk brought them to a spacious chamber bright with light from the tall windows on the wall.

The ceiling was high, and the walls were accented with gold trimming.

Enid's lips parted in awe as she took in the innumerable instruments displayed throughout.

She recognized his violin stored proudly in one corner.

At the center of the room was a gorgeous piano, one she couldn't even start to imagine the price tag of.

"This is my music room." Alex's voice echoing slightly in the grand room.

"It's incredible." Her voice soft, as though nervous to disturb the beautiful instruments around her.

He walked to the slightly raised platform that the piano stood upon and ran his fingers along the keys.

The warm sunlight streamed through the window onto the piano and her professor.

His hair practically glowed, his brown eyes like melting gold as he looked at her.

Enid wondered for a moment if they maybe really were immortal.

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