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Updated a day early just because I adore all of you!

Thank you so much for the support.

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Her cello hummed flawlessly as she drew the bow across its strings.

Tuesday had come quickly, a night of relatively little rest giving way to yet another beginning.

Dr. Drewitt stood behind her, advising and correcting her movements.

They were working on one of the pieces she was to play at the Winter Gala.

The song was structurally complicated with a difficult tempo.

Nothing she couldn't handle, though.

Enid held her breath as Dr. Drewitt's hand grasped her arm, adjusting her hold on the bow.

His hands were so large they probably could have wrapped around her arm twice.

The session flew by as she memorized the music notes before her.

By the end, she was able to play through the entire piece without looking at the music sheets once.

"Brilliant. Your talent still astonishes me every time you play." His praise setting her cheeks aflame.

"Thank you, sir." Enid responded shyly.

She had never known what to do when receiving compliments.

Her father had always poked fun at her for that.

"Well, I suppose we should get ready for the fundraising event. Did you bring a change of shoes?" He teased, smirking down at her well-loved white sneakers.

Enid held the classy sandals up in response with a grin.

"Perfect. Let's head to my office. Our evening attire is ready for us there." His deep, musical voice washing over her.

His hand found its way to the small of her back, guiding her out of the concert hall.

The cold Massachusetts air didn't bother her in the slightest as the warmth of his hand bled through her jacket and sweater.

His office was in the arts building to the right of the concert hall they came from.

As he held open the door for her to enter the building, she was astonished by the impressive artwork displayed throughout the entrance atrium.

She did her best to glance around at the paintings before they entered his office.

Dr. Drewitt's office was warm and cozy and stepping inside of it was like entering another world.

Dozens of instruments were scattered around the room, hanging on the walls or stored on the bookshelves.

His violin hung proudly behind his desk and she felt as though she should hold her breath.

Something about the room felt sacred.

As though it were a physical extension of him.

So caught up in her observations, she was startled to find that he had already retrieved their outfits from the closet to the left of the doorway.

Her dress was secured carefully in a black zipped bag.

Dr. Drewitt hung it on a hook by a floor length mirror in the corner.

"I'll step out and let you get changed." He said as he exited the room and shut the door softly.

Enid tugged her sweater over her head, trying to keep her curls from tangling.

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