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This is the big one!

The most action-packed chapter of the book thus far has arrived.

I had so much fun writing it.

Let me know your thoughts on it!

♠     ♠     ♠

"You got everything?" Emilia called from the doorway.

The morning sun behind her painting her body as a dark silhouette.

Sweeping her eyes across the motel room, Enid checked to make sure they weren't leaving anything behind.

Leaving behind a few bills for the cleaners, she nodded.

She grabbed her backpack from beside the bed and followed Emilia out into the day.

There were a few people in the office, checking out from their stays.

Enid joined the que, staring down at her shoes as she waited.

A television hung in the corner was playing the news.

The man on the screen reporting on a robbery somewhere in the city.

She tuned it out, finally stepping up for her turn.

As she exited the small office, she missed his change of topic.

"In other news, be on the lookout for this missing college student..."

The door slamming shut behind her drowned out the words.

Jake was already in the car, looking at something on his phone.

Her stomach twisted as she watched him.


All she had to do was get through breakfast and then she'd leave.

Finish this journey on her own.

She had borrowed Emilia's phone that morning when they were still awake, googling the nearest bus station.

After memorizing the route to it, she was careful to delete the history of her search.

Splitting apart from them scared her, but she knew it was necessary.

The guilt in Jake's eyes had haunted her all night.

"I found a diner that's like a three-minute drive. That okay with everyone?" Jake's eyes stayed on his phone as he asked.

"I could literally eat anything right now. I'm starving after all that throwing up yesterday." Emilia laughed.

Enid smiled at her, happy to see the color had returned to her face.

Jake pulled out of the parking lot, following the robotic voice of his GPS down the road.

The diner was surprisingly rather empty, the sign outside flickering.

Landmark Diner was sprawled in luminescent cursive.

It seemed they had caught it in between breakfast rushes.

"Oh look, they do stand-up comedy here some nights!" Emilia pointed out as they entered.

A waiter gestured to a booth near the window and they slid onto the bench seats.

Small flags hung from posts on the wall and Enid couldn't help but look for a Welsh one.

Coming up empty, she turned her attention back to the table.

The menus were laminated and slightly sticky.

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