King, Devil, Angel

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We are back with the immortals!

I think this will be our last chapter from their perspective.

I hope you enjoy!!

☾          ☾          ☾

He stared down at her, her petal lips mouthing the words of the book she was reading.

An old copy of Frankenstein fluttering in her small hands.

Her head is resting in his lap, her legs stretched out across the couch beside him.

Twirling one of her curls between his fingers, he watches as she sinks further into the story.

There is a lightness in his chest.

The moment was perfect.

Closest to Heaven he'd ever come.

A sigh falls from her lips as she turns a page.

She was so much like him.

Loved books the same way he did.

Like they were people rather than pages.

Her eyes drifting along the words as she starts a new chapter.

Lips pressing together as a frown forms between her brows.

"Who do you think the monster really was?" Her sweet voice pulls him from his thoughts.

Dante furrows his eyebrows as she stares up at him inquisitively.

"Frankenstein or his creation?" She supplies, a smile curling along the edge of her lips.

He hums, trailing a finger along the exposed skin of her shoulder.

His brilliant little bird, so brimming with curiosity.

"Why must it be one or the other?" Dante murmurs.

Her straight teeth press into the flesh of her bottom lip.

Gemstone eyes glazing over as she thinks.

"One was cruel in creating life, the other cruel in destroying it." He counts the freckles on her cheeks.

Enid blinks up at him.

A strange expression slipping across her features.

Something akin to wrath sharpening her gaze.

Her mouth curving into a sneer he had never seen grace her face before.

"You're wrong." Her voice is warped, like a scratch on a record.

He watches, mute, as she slips from his lap.

Suddenly standing before him, rage seeming to curl along the ends of her hair.

Her glare deepens, burns into him.

Fire erupting along his arms, chest.

But he cannot look down.

Cannot look away from her.

All he can do is watch as she burns him alive.

"You're the monster." Her words echo around him, bouncing against the walls.

Growing louder and louder until he can feel blood trickling from his ears.

Her face suddenly shifts again.

The fire extinguishing.

A ringing in his ears as he watches her crumble.

Despair crossing her face.

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