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Sorry for the later update, midterms are keeping me very busy.

Hope you all enjoy!

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"My, how the time has flown. It seems as though we've just begun, but here we are at the end."

Dante stood before them, leaning against his desk.

He was the devil.

The king of the underworld brought to life and dressed in a tailored suit.

She bites her lip until she tastes blood.

"Having each of you in my class has been such a joy. I hope you all feel you have learnt a great deal. Both about writing and about yourselves." His emerald eyes flash at her.

He is covering up his exhaustion well, hiding it behind confidence and an alluring smile.

But she can see it in the shadows beneath his eyes and the tightness in his shoulders.

Her heart urges her to take care of him, to make him feel better.

To make his smile reach his eyes.

A headache throbs as her mind fights against it.

Enid shifts in her seat, aware of Emilia's concerned gaze from beside her.

"Since your final was the completion of that article, all you must do is turn it in to me and then you disciples are free to go. Have a wonderful winter break." He smiles charmingly.

There is a rustle as the pairs group together, pulling out their articles and getting in line.

Enid turns to Emilia, watching as she pulls a folder out of her colorful backpack.

Emilia glances up at her, a question in her eyes as Enid stops her from opening the folder.

"I thought we were going to just turn in the unfinished draft?" Emilia whispers in confusion.

Enid glances over to Dante, noticing he was speaking to Jake and Marcell.

Opening her satchel, she pulls out the article she had finished writing that morning.

"We'll turn this in." She turned it so Emilia could read it.

Her dark eyebrows arch, her mouth parting.

"You're the most incredible person I've ever met." Emilia stares at her in wonder.

Enid leans over and squeezes her hand.

She doesn't feel incredible.

They join the short line in front of Dante's desk.

"How are you? How did things go? Did you find-" Emilia's voice is hushed, but still too loud.

Her words nearly frantic with worry.

Enid nudges her side, shaking her head and glancing purposefully toward their professor.

Emilia pales as she realizes Dante is watching them.

Their turn has come.

Enid steps up before him, Emilia doing the same.

Her hand brushing against Enid's in a comforting gesture.

"Now, you two did an article on the missing boy, right?" Dante asks casually, a charming smile on his face.

She's the only one who catches the infinitesimal tightening of the skin around his eyes.

"Actually-" She is cut off by a voice from behind her.

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