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And we are back with Enid!

Flynt is a rather difficult character to write, so this chapter took me a while.

I hope you enjoy!!

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There is a dull roar in her ears, like wind.

Darkness surges around her, pulsing and dancing along her skin.

A happy humming floats through the air, contrasting the dark whispers tangling through her curls.

She tries to follow the welcoming sound.

Hoping it would lead her to safety.

Her limbs feel heavy as she moves, like she is dragging them through water.

She swims into the vastness and the distance seems to stretch on infinitely.

But there, in the distance, a small light.

The humming grows louder, the once cheerful notes now turning sharp and bitter.

The light blooms into a vision as she nears it.

A figure standing in the middle of a diner.

It's the waitress, Nia.

The woman's back is turned to her as she wipes down a table.

The humming is thunderous now, reverberating in her head.


Enid tries to open her mouth, tries to call out to her.

A shadow begins to form on the edge of the scene.

Midnight curling and blending into white.

Pale skin, pale hair.

A predatory grin on his sharp face.

He turns to her, giving her a wink as he raises the gun in his right hand.

A scream echoes in her throat as she tries to reach the woman.

Tries to save her.

She slams into an invisible wall, helpless to do anything but watch.

The humming quickens, rattling the plates on the table.

Loud enough to make her squeeze her hands over her ears.

Making her nerve endings quiver.

The bullet rips into the woman, scarlet bleeding into peach colored fabric.

Enid's scream is wrenched from her as she is dragged back from the scene.

Sinking further and further into the suffocating darkness.

When she wakes, it is with a gasp.

Heaving breaths raking through her as she takes in the foreign room.

She barely thinks as she darts from the bed, flying toward the door across the room.

A sharp force tugs on her ankle and suddenly she is slamming into the ground.

The wood was sharp, biting against her kneecaps as she went down.

Blood already slipping from the torn skin.

Turning, her mouth parts in horror as her fingers traced the thick silver band around her right ankle.

She struggles to breathe as she found the other end branded into the bedpost.


Panic surged into her lungs and she scrambled up from the floor.

Her mind raced with questions, worries.

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