one of those warm nights - e.d

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746 words
beach house + boy pablo

for rania

"guys! hurry up! the flight is leaving in two minutes!" i yelled at ethan and grayson, they were walking too slow.

"don't rush me, rania! i got two hours of sleep last night!" grayson giggled.

the twins' family and my family decided to take a trip to hawaii, since the dolan's have a house there. i was super excited, i've never been to hawaii but it's been at the top of my bucket list.

after we got on the plane, and put our carry-ons in the over head storage, we finally took off and i got anxious. i honestly hated planes so much but with the twins next to me they kept my mind off of the fact that we were thousands of feet in the air.

my breathing started getting heavier, my eyes starting getting filled with tears.

"hey, hey. it's okay. we're okay. we're safe. i promise." ethan rubbed his thumb over my hand, which was gripping the arm rest. i let out one deep breath and nodded my head.

"thank you. i just wish there was another way to get to hawaii, like driving or something." i giggled at the last part.

"hey, let's take your mind off of it." he turned to face me and we played stupid games for half the flight. then he fell asleep on my shoulder.

the faint sounds of his music were playing from his headphones, since his head was in my neck.

i grabbed his other earbud, it was hanging loose. i put it in my ear and smiled, hearing my favorite song. he has all my favorite songs in a playlist he made. i leaned my head against his thick hair, falling asleep not long after him.


"the house is so beautiful! can i live here?" i said enthusiastically. everyone laughed and looked around the house, putting down bags and unpacking.

once we unpacked, went to the food store to get dinner stuff, and ate, the four of us cuddled up on the front porch, which was facing the ocean.

right now the sunset is shinning on the water, looking beautiful. it was one of those warm nights.

"damn, i forgot i have a whole other bag to unpack. i'll be back later." cameron groaned and got up.

grayson eventually left too, probably getting too tired from jet lag.

it was just ethan and i, leaning against each other in big hoodies and our bathing suits, since we went swimming earlier.

i played with the big diamond encrusted ring on his finger, and he dragged his fingers through my long, black locks. we just listened to the soft ocean waves and each other's breathing.

"i've never been happier than right now. this trip just started and i'm already in heaven." i wrapped my arm around his torso and turned my body into his.

we talked for a while, about the trip and whatnot. ethan was one of those people that will always keep eye contact with you while you were talking. it always made my heart go wild, his eyes were my absolute weakness. every time he does this my knees go a little weak and i feel butterflies in my stomach.

"hey, can i ask you something? give me an honest opinion." i said.

"okay." he giggled slightly.

"do you..." i hesitated.

"yeah?" he smiled a bit, intrigued by where i was going with this.

i gave up. i grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss. hoping for the best. he froze, then kissed me back with so much love, i swear my heart was going to burst.

his lips pulled away, but our noses still touched.

"do you wanna be my boyfriend?" i whispered softly, making him blush.

"anything for you, y/n/n." he whispered back, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

i smiled lightly and he pecked my lips.

"i've wanted you for so long, rania." ethan breathed out.

"and i've been waiting for the day i mustered up enough courage to kiss you." i kissed him softly and ran my fingers through his hair.

he pulled me into a hug, lips still moving in sync, almost in time with the crashes of waves.

"let's go make out on the beach and get sand in our hair." ethan chuckled against my lips, making butterflies erupt in my stomach again.

i pull away and get up quickly, running down the steps and down the shoreline.

"don't wait up!" i yelled out, watching his surprised expression turn into a grin.


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