B2: Chapter 18 - Old Friends, Forgotten Friends - II

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  By the time she'd finished, Hugo had arrived. He walked in right as she was explaining the final magnetic ritual to take out Omega, and how that had gone wrong.

  "We were all joined up, right? And Cinza, she takes our hands, and I could feel something. It was a lot like when Jess and I did the flight ritual, except with that one we were working together. This was more like she was actually taking from me."

  "But doesn't that break what's-his-face's law?"

  "Mason's. And no, not really. She couldn't take it until I pushed it out."

  Hugo walked in like he lived there. On seeing Hailey and Jessica smiling back at him from the couch, he dropped his phone. "...What the hell?"

  Jessica had long-since returned to Hailey's side, after realizing it was going to be a long conversation. Ian had thrown a frozen pizza in the oven for them, and by the smell permeating the house it was almost done.

  "Don't freak out, dude," Ian cut in quickly. Hailey got to her feet, very uncertain where they stood. The last time she'd seen Hugo, he was quietly exiting her apartment in Rallsburg while the rest of them experimented with magic, after being the only one of the group not to awaken. "They're alive."

  "No..." he murmured. "Goddammit, no. Just no."

  Hailey's heart sank. "I..." she started, but what could she say? After something like that?

  Luckily for her, Ian wasn't about to let that slide. "What the hell, Hugo? Our friends are alive, man! That's the only thing you have to say?"

  "This isn't right."

  "Of course it's right! Jessica's alive! I mean, we had to get Hailey along with her, but come on!"

  "Hey!" Hailey snapped, her stupor broken.

  "Sorry, Hales, but Jess was always the cool one."

  "...Yeah, okay. You're not wrong."

  He shot her a grin. "So everything's cool, right Hugo?"

  Hugo was still staring at Hailey, and she felt a tremor roll through her. She knew that look. It was the same look she'd seen on the faces of so many in Rallsburg, and on the faces of people in the burning building. On the faces of the men who'd taken her hostage in the bar in Tacoma.

  He was afraid of her, of what she could do, and for that he hated her.

  She took a step forward.

  He bolted.

  She knew it was coming, and before he'd even taken two steps toward the door, Hailey was already halfway across the room. Her wings wouldn't propel her fast enough (and she didn't want to completely wreck Ian's living room) so she took a leaf out of Alden's playbook and simply threw her whole body haphazardly into the air. She sailed over the couch, almost clipping Ian's head, and landed behind Hugo.

  He'd only taken another couple of steps toward the front door when she twisted around. She flung out her arm, slamming the door shut in front of him. The locks clicked a second later, as she grabbed and twisted each one shut from afar.

  Hugo froze, staring at the door. Slowly, he turned back to face her.

  "I don't want to do this," she murmured.

  "So don't."

  "You can't just leave."

  "What's going on?" Ian asked, stepping between them.

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