Interlude VI - Fame and Fortune - I

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  "Offices of Luther, Renalds and Portman, how may I direct your call?"

  "...Hi. I... I'm not sure."

  "Do you have a case number?"


  "Have you employed our services in the past?"

  "No, I... I don't think so. My parents had a different lawyer."

  "Did someone from our firm give you a card?"

  "No... I was told you guys were good at protecting people. Like whistleblowers."

  "...One moment please."



  "Hello. My name is Linda Milgram-Renalds. Let me be clear up front: I do not need your name or any identifying information at this stage. Your anonymity and your safety is our top priority. If at any time you feel a threat to your wellbeing, inform us immediately and we will take the appropriate steps. You may also terminate our relationship at any moment if you feel our services are inadequate. Do you understand these protections?"


  "You should also know that whistleblowing is fully protected by federal law. It's my job to make sure you don't get tripped up along the way, but the law is on your side."

  "...I'm not sure if I'm a whistleblower or not. This is all kinda new to me."

  "Well, let's start at the beginning. What organization or company are we discussing?"

  "Uhh... well it's not a company really. It's a town."

  "A government entity?"

  "Not... not really. Look, I'm sorry, maybe I called the wrong place."

  "If it's not whistleblowing, are you still trying to expose some form of wrongdoing that the public should be aware of?"

  "Yeah. That's right."

  "Then I believe I can still be of service. Our firm is more than capable of helping you reach the right people and filing the appropriate suits, if necessary."

  "I don't think there's anyone to sue anymore. They're... they're kinda all dead."

  "...Sir, may I ask... What are we discussing exactly?"

  "Rallsburg. I'm from Rallsburg."

  "...You're a survivor?"


  "...If I may, why didn't you come forward to the FBI?"

  "I'm afraid."

  "Afraid of what?"

  "Afraid for my life. You saw the news, right? Jerry Hauserman."


  "I knew him. He was an asshole, but he always brought my stuff on time and never dented it. Seeing him like that..."

  "Are you saying that you know what happened to Rallsburg?"

  "Yeah. I was there, the whole time. I saw everything."

  "And revealing this information would put your life in danger?"

  "My life's in danger already. But yeah, if I told anyone, it'd probably get worse. Way worse. I need protection."

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