Transitions II - II

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  "One of the released excerpts from the book mentions Kendra Laushire, daughter of Thomas Laushire of Laushire Enterprises. We previously reported on her presumed death in the Rallsburg incident, but with this new information come to light about her activities, we approached Mr. Laushire for a fresh perspective."

  "Mr. Laushire, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today."

  "Of course."

  "Have you read the piece about your daughter from the Rallsburg Diaries?"

  "Many times."

  "What do you think about Kendra's activities? She seemed to be at the forefront of a new market, dealing in magic of all things."

  "It's admirable. If I could speak to her today, I'd tell her I was proud of what she accomplished. She took a wholly unprecedented situation and established a new economy to help it succeed."

  "You seem to be extrapolating quite a bit from the brief couple of paragraphs that were released. How can you be so certain she was responsible for this so-called 'Astral Market'?"

  "She's my daughter. She's a Laushire."

  "But sir, isn't it true that you rejected her involvement in your own company? She was slated to be a director on the board and by all accounts, you personally had her appointment blocked."

  "You're talking about the so-called 'leaked memos' from our internal network, yes?"

  "Yes, but combined with the rumors of a shocking revelation regarding your relationship in the book, you have to admit they paint a compelling picture."

  "A false picture."

  "But sir—"

  "I don't deny their legitimacy, I contest their accuracy. Anyone who has ever worked for an operation at this scale would inform you that memos, rumors and emails cannot tell the whole story. Assuming as such would be counter to your sterling reputation as a bastion of quality journalism. I'm disappointed you place any stock in such rumors."

  "Sir, with all due respect, one email—from your own daughter, I might add—was particularly scathing and quite specific. It's hard to deny the obvious connection."

  "That was a personal disagreement among family. I won't discuss it."


  "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I must get back to work."

  "...Thank you again for agreeing to meet with us today, Mr. Laushire."

  "Thank you."

  "That was Thomas Laushire, speaking about the recent revelations regarding his daughter Kendra in the forthcoming Rallsburg Diaries. Up next, literary analysis of the released text, as we try to uncover more information about the mysterious author of the Diaries and her origins."

  Thomas Laushire hung up the phone, leaning back in his office chair and pressing his fingers to his temples.

  "Mr. Laushire?" his assistant asked tentatively through the intercom.

Convergence - The Last Science #2.1 - In Plain SightWhere stories live. Discover now