Chapter Four - Waking Up In A Foreign Place.

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I heard the sound of the engine slowly become louder, I began to regain my consciousness. It didn't take long before my head got hit by another pulsating headache, as my dizziness returned, but both soon began to calm down.

I looked around me with my eyes, I couldn't turn my head for some reason, soon I realised that I am in a vehicle. Thinking that Britney and Brendan might have picked me up from where I have passed out. I decided to call out their names, but I only have the power to call out one. "B-Brit-ney?..." I called out, barely able to speak, I could hear how croaky my voice sounded. I could still smell and taste the remnants of the alcoholic barf that I threw up earlier along with heartburn slowly showing its presence in my throat. I never wanted to get that drunk again.

I waited for a reply, I hoped for more than anything to hear Britney's voice. Besides we, by we I mean Britney, Brendan and I are in her car, heading to her house. Moments passed before I was proven wrong.

"It is just you and me... Princess..."

I heard a strangely familiar voice reply, it was not Britney's nor Brendan's voice, that was what made me feel scared. I did know who this person is, I tried to think of who this person could be but my concentration was overpowered by my tiredness.

"Sleep Princess, sleep..." he said to me, and I obliged to his command.

Under normal day circumstances, I would panic, I would try to find a way out, I would most likely shit my pants, but this time... this time, everything was different. I was too tired to even keep my eyelids open. I felt my eyelids close again as the worries in my head slowly drifted off. I laid my head back before shutting my eyelids, fully. Now I knew for a fact that there was no escape for me, nor did I didn't care. All I wanted was to sleep, and sleep is what I got...

*a few hours later*

It seemed like minutes have passed before I woke up again, but I knew for a fact that hours have passed.

I woke up... No... I abruptly jumped awake as a loud bang of a nearby lightning strike suddenly caused me to regain my full consciousness. Once I was fully awake, fully conscious of my surroundings, I find myself in this... Stoned room, it seemed very old-styled, like those medieval castles that we would see in the history books when you were to learn about castles in school. Yeah, it reminded me of that.

I also realised that the room was dimly lighted by a candle lantern as it gently swung in the light breeze that came from the lighting storm outside.

I looked to my head left and I could see the dark sky light up with every passing moment by lightning outside along with the thunder and lightning, I heard the howls of the wind mixed with the drops of rain hitting off different surfaces outside, as it gradually became louder.

Minutes pass before I stood up, quickly I lean against a wall while I waited for my numb legs to wake up. Once I got full control of my legs, I made my way around my room. I looked for any way out, I instantly noticed a door, but it will be logical for them to be locked, I rolled my eyes at my rational thinking...

Minutes pass and I could not find a way so that I can escape, so I turn myself back to the door, I guess it is my only choice, eh? So I gave it benefit over doubt, but I can feel myself become nervous. With every step I took, heading to the door, I grew more nervous. I reached the door in what seemed like minutes, when in fact it took me only a matter of seconds.

I began to reach my hand out to the door but I suddenly stop halfway, I pray to God that the door is unlocked. I just want to get out of where ever I am, I want to go home, to go to my mother and father. I want to see Britney and Brendan again... To hug them... Tears start to build up in my eyes as my hand come into contact with the handle.

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