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The following morning, I wake up still on the floor. I stand up and see it's still dark outside.

I explore my room, and find some clothes. The clothes are to big, but I put on a t-shirt and a pair of leggings.

I go out to the kitchen and find that the fridge and cubboards are fully stocked.

I don't hear any movement upstairs, so I get to work making breakfast,then set the table for the girls.

Afterwards, I wash the pots and pans. I make my way upstairs knocking on the doors as I go, waking everyone up.

We all go downstairs and eat, what we can, for me it's very little. I am used to not eating much, because I always made sure the others had food first.

After everyone was done eating, I put food in storage containers and started the dishes. Anita, helping me as I do.

When we are done, the girls sit in the living room and talk, as I go back to my room. Sitting down on the floor, I think about everything that has happened.

Some time later, I hear a knock at my door. Getting up, I open the door. "Mar, lunch is done," Anita says.

I walk out of the room, and sit at the table. Eating lunch, the girls collect everything and clean.

I stand up and go outside. I see the yard for the house has a pretty white picket fence around the front, with no gate.

I leave the yard, heading towards the woods. Ann wanting to run, and giving me visions of what it may feel like to do so.

Reaching the trees, I undress, folding my clothes neatly and tucking them into a small root hallow.

I allow the shift to happen. Soon I am standing as my wolf, in all her glory. Giving her control, she runs.

Lavishing in the feel of the dirt beneath her feet, instead of the rotting wooden floor, from before.

We run for awhile, before a growl brings us to a skidding stop. Ann returns the growl, in her fiesty mood.

The big black wolf from before, comes out of the shadows, growling. Ann growls back, testing the male. "Ann stop it," I plead.

The male bares his teeth, and growls, demanding Ann to submit to him. She refuses.

He leaps toward us, and lands on our back. Pushing us to the ground as he does. He grips the scruff of our neck in his teeth, pushing us further to the ground.

We can feel sparks erupt at his touch, but Ann fights to regain our feet, refusing to submit to this male.

He bites down harder, drawing blood as he does. Ann wimpers, but doesn't submit. It enrages Ann that this male would do this to us.

She manages to get out from under him. He still has our scruff in his strong jaws, growling at us.

Ann turns her head, and bites into his front leg, with difficulty. He growls, but let's go of us. Ann let's go of his leg.

Ann leaps away, but faces him as he does us. We remain that way for what seemed like forever. Staring at each other, both refusing to submit to the other.

Ann refusing to let me have control, as this is her form, not mine she is stronger. Knowing that if I had control, I would submit to him, because that was what I was taught to do as a young pup and a slave.

The male growls, Ann growls. Ann steps back, he follows her step.

The sky turns black, as a storm moves in, I can feel the electricity in the air, as it runs through our fur.

The rain starts to fall from the sky, as I feel our fur charged with electricity, this feeling scars me, and Ann. Unsure of what is happening.

Ann turns and bolts away. I can hear the male take chase, after us, not satisfied with us not submitting.

He tackles us, and his cry of pain is heard, as he leaps away. Our fur crackling from the energy, our fur contains.

He stands and looks at us, his golden eyes shining in the darkness, between us, almost glowing.  He has a look of confusion in his beautiful golden eyes.

Lightning strikes in the distance, and Ann jumps in surprise from it's noise. She then willingly submits to the male, in front of us.

Not because she wants to but because she is scared, and it's clearly the only way, in order for us to return home.

He stares at us, as he approaches, standing over us as we lay on our belly, in submission.

He walks around us, and tries to mount us, intending to mate. Ann bolts out from under him. And runs for home.


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