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I spent all day with my parents, with Markus happily at my side. My Dad couldn't thank Markus enough for finding me and then saving me.

And that leaves us where we are now. "You up for a run, my daughter," my Dad asks. I look at him happily. "Oh count me in, I am so going as well," my mom says.

We dash into the woods, leaving Markus behind, unsure if he can join us. "You can come," I mindlink Markus. I sense his smile through the link.

Shifting, I meet my parents wolves, Ann for the first time is meeting them. I give her control, as she sniffs and nuzzles their fur, happily.

Acting like a pup, she drops down on her front legs and playfully nips at their jaws, and neck.

My mom and Dad clearly giving their wolves control, nip back and we run. Markus at my side, glancing at me occasionally, in concern.

I'd love to say Ann was nice to his wolf, but she was not. He came out from shifting and instantly she growled, barring her teeth at him, daring him to try anything.

My father looked at me curiously, but Ann didn't give anything away.

Markus stayed warry of Ann as long as she was in control. Keeping his distance, but wanting to be close. Any time he did come close Ann would growl, making him back away.

She wasn't as forgiving of him, since it was her he took and not my virginity. Even though I wasn't happy with him at all either. She was just more open about her anger.

After running for awhile, we all laid down. Ann making sure to lay between my mom and dad's wolves, and not next to Markus.

My mom's wolf started licking my fur, her wolf matching mine. My dad's wolf was a dark chocolate brown in color.

Markus's wolf kept trying to contact us, but in Ann's anger she blocked him. Grumbling,"he'll get my forgiveness when I am ready," she says. Causing me to laugh, agreeing with her.

As dark came we were back at the pack house. "Baby, we have to leave in the morning, your baby brother can't handle the pack alone for long yet," Dad says.

"Ok, but you'll visit as often as possible right," I ask. "Of course," Dad says. "You have a good mate sweetie," mom says, "though your wolf has some issues to deal with," she laughs.

I smirk, knowing Ann's reason behind it. "Yea, she has some issues, to deal with, but she'll be good," I tell her. I see Markus flinch, and a look of shame cross his face.

I yawn, "time for bed," my mom says. I nod. "We'll see you before we leave," my parents say giving me hugs and kissing me on the head.

Markus follows behind me as I make my way to our room. Closing the door he faces me, "I am truly sorry for what my wolf did," Markus says.

"Markus, I won't speak for Ann, but it really pissed me off, and her, I forgive you, but there better not be a next time," I tell him, my anger getting the better of me. "If Ann could she'd kill him, I think," I whisper, near tears as I look down.

He lifts my chin to look at him. "It'll never happen again, but........" He pauses. "He.... I.....we both want what's ours, we want to mark you, so bad, Maria, that it's becoming hard not to," Markus says.

"Just looking at you, touching you in any way, I have to fight myself," he says, I can see the pain in his eyes.

I place my hand on his cheek, and he closes his eyes, "I'm....... I'm not ready for fully mating yet," I tell him as the sparks coursing through my hand almost changes my mind.

"I understand, but....." "You'll be the first to know, Markus," I cut in and say.

I then go to the bathroom and change into my pajamas and climb into bed. Markus has his back to me, though I can tell he is still awake, and thinking.

I almost told him to mark me, but I remember what Rise said about heat, after marking. I push the thought aside and fell asleep. Dreaming about my future with Markus.


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