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After breakfast, I follow Markus outside. "Will you join me, today," he asks, holding my hands in his, smiling, his eyes full of Hope.

I look at him, shocked, that he'd want me to spend all day with him. "If you want me to, I guess," I reply. The smile on his face couldn't get any bigger, as he picks me up by the waist and twirls me.

"I'll always want you to be at my side my Love, always," he says setting me down, still smiling. I smile back.

He takes my hand and we walk together towards the pack house. Walking past pack members, I feel my anxiety build.

Taking my other hand, I cling to Markus, as close as I can get. Giving me a sense of safety.

At my body movements, Markus starts to growl at anyone who approaches us, as I hide into his side, shaking in fear.

"We'll be in my office soon, my Love," Markus says, rubbing my shoulder, as I cling onto him, in fear again, as some of his warriors, walk past.

He soon, just scoops me up I to his arms, and begins to run for his office. I cling to him and hide my head, in between his neck and jaw.

I hear a door open as I begin to inhale his delightful scent, calming myself as I do. The door closes but I still feel his swift movements, then seconds later another door opens and slams shut.

"We're here, my Love," he says, calmly rubbing my shoulders, as he sits me down in a comfy chair.

I open my eyes and look around in fear, but soon realize, that it's just me and Markus in a large room, alone.

I exhale the breath I didn't realize I was holding. "I'm sorry," I say as tears start to form. "Don't be sorry, you tried, that's what matters, Love," Markus says, "I got you here, it's ok, your safe."

The rest of the day, we spent in his office, the only time someone came in and left was for food, drinks or very important pack business.

I was ok with females coming in, but the second a male came in, I was in Markus's lap or behind him hiding instantly.

Each time, I could sense the male's looking at me, but they never said a word, towards it. Always discussed what was needed and left.

By dark, I was calming down some, from all the intrusions, all day. "I'm sorry Love, I was hoping if I was with you it'd help," Markus says.

"It did, I'm just.....not used to it all, I'll get better," I say. "I know your trying love," he says running a hand through his semi long hair, thinking.

"What, what is it," I ask concerned. "It'd help, if I knew what goes through that head of yours," he says, "but not yet." I look at him confused.

"It's a conversation for later," he smiles.


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