Where am I?

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*****If you are sensitive to violence or mature language then this story may not be for you, just a warning  :)*******

**Your POV**

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Oh. Oh, no. W-why does this keep happening? Why couldn't I have been born a normal fire-bender? Or better yet, why couldn't I have been born without the ability to bend at all?

"You stupid child! Did I say you were allowed to sleep?! You've only mastered earth and fire-bending! We can't afford this kind of dawdling! Aren't you aware that you're putting my reputation at stake?"

I-it's always been like this... ever since I made the mistake of showing my father that I was able to earth-bend. I had hoped he would of been proud of me; at the time I didn't know that it was abnormal to be able to bend more than one of the elements. I was just a child, after all.

Smack! "You've only gone through 6 water-bending scrolls today! We've been over this, you useless child! You're quota per day is to master 10 technique scrolls! Don't even try to pass it off as my mistake, I've provided you with a plethora of scrolls, you ungrateful leech!"

"Ah... f-father... I-i'm sorry... I'll get to work on the rest of the scrolls right away! I p-promise! P-please... s-stop hitting me... it hurts..."

"Hah?! Since when do you think you're inclined to tell me what I can and cannot do you urchin?! I'll hit you as many times as I want! OVER AND OVER! Until you get it through that head of yours, that you cannot afford to disobey me! If it weren't for me, you'd be on the streets! The only reason I've kept you this long is because you're the avatar! I would have gotten rid of you long ago if that had not been the case. You mean nothing to me!"

He then walked over to a crate that was positioned in the back corner of my room and tore it open, emptying it of its contents. I gasped, I-i, oh no, he wasn't supposed to find that! I must have forgotten to move the crate back under my bed... oh no, oh dear, w-what have I done?!

"You bitch! You thought you could keep this from me, huh?! How many times have I told you that you're not allowed to do anything but practice?! Having hobby's define you as an individual... WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TRYING TO PULL?! You'll never amount to anything! You're more useless then your mother, you rat! You'll never be anything more then a piece of property with my name on it. You're a tool for my own gain, and I'll make sure you know it!"

My father then proceeded to lift me up by the collar of my shirt while at the same time igniting a flame in his hand. I knew immediately what he was going to do. He took my wrist and held his hand around it as he let his flames burn my skin. 

He was serious? He's marking me with his signature, a burn mark.

At this point, I was a sobbing mess, I couldn't even see through my left eye as my father had hit me so many times... I'd gotten a black eye. This was the normal around here, though. Our neighbors, and even my mother knew what had been going on for months now. This had become apart of our routine. It would be considered strange if a day went by when I wasn't smacked around at least once. I bet you're thinking, why don't I just use my powers to hurt him back and escape? If it were as simple as that... I would have been out of here a long time ago. Alas, it just was not meant to be. If I were to escape, I wouldn't be able to go far, anyway. You see, my father is a well respected general in the fire nation, and more importantly, he was feared by the public. If anyone had found me wandering around outside, they wouldn't help me by offering me a place to stay, or by giving me provisions, they would either run away in fear from what I represented, or practically throw me right back through the front doors of my home in fear. It's not that they have anything against me, per say... it's just that I represent him. I'm something they fear because HE is something they fear. If anyone were to help me, then they would be put on trial for treason, it's that serious. 

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