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If you're reading this, wow! I'm super glad you decided to stick around!! I know there isn't much now, but there will be!! I don't intend on abandoning this story, so I'll try to update every Friday! Enjoy !!


After I managed to convince him to stay, I talked with Mr. Kakashi for about an hour. I had asked him many questions, I wanted to learn as much as I could about this foreign land; in doing so I was thinking that maybe it would become clearer as to how exactly I got here. In return, I answered many of Mr. Kakashi's questions as well, after all, it was only fair after I had been interrogating him for quite a while. I was surprised to hear that I was in a village protected by ninjas, and that he too was a ninja. He told me that's actually how he came across me in the first place. He said he was coming back from a mission where he needed to rescue a noble, or something of that nature.

"So, (F/N), how old are you, exactly? You seem a little young to be on your own, especially in these parts." Kakashi had asked me.

"Oh! I see, you're correct. I am 12 years old! But as of yesterday, I wasn't on my own... I actually have no idea how I got here!"

He frowned, and it seemed as though my response had elicited a concerning question that he wasn't sure whether or not he should ask me.

"If you have a question, Mr. Kakashi, please don't hesitate to ask me! After all, I am a visitor in your village and it would only make sense for me to answer any of your questions."

"Ah... you're very observant, (F/N)... actually I was wondering what could of happened to you that would warrant such injuries. You are only a child, after all. You told me just now that you were in the company of another party only yesterday... so that begs the question, who was it that gave you these wounds?"

Ah... there it is. I knew he would have asked me this question sooner or later. I hadn't realized how hard this would end up being, I've never talked about this subject to anyone before...

I hesitated, not knowing how to answer. Part of me was thinking it would be wise to just come out with the truth and expose my father's dishonorable actions, but the other half of me was frightened. I didn't know how Mr. Kakashi would react, and I certainly didn't want this information to find its way back to my father.


Seeing the distress on my face, Mr. Kakashi became alarmed, but at the same time he tried to calm me down by placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, I know this may be hard for you, but I want you to know that here, in Konoha, you're safe. You can tell me, but if you're not ready, then I won't pressure you."

He gave me a kind smile from beneath his mask, letting me know that I could believe his words. I took a shaky breath and then calmed myself down.

"T-these wounds... were inflicted on me by my father. Now, I'm just going to come out with it because I feel like you're someone I can trust, but I was born with the ability to control the four elements: earth, wind, fire, and water, meaning I am able to use them and bend them to my will in order to protect myself. My father, he's a well respected general of our nation's army. Because of this, and my abnormal ability, he would beat me if I were to ever do anything that would tarnish his reputation."

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