The Academy

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was on a retreat the past 3 days and they took our phones from us, but here's the chapter! Enjoy!!

I felt my heart rate calm down as I realized the person meant me no harm. Lowering my water back to the lake, I turn to the newcomer and smile widely at him. I skipped over to him as he held his hand out, giving me a high five.

"Mr. Kakashi! You're back! I thought you were out on a mission?"

He smiled at me and ruffled my hair as he spoke, "Well, hey there (F/N), I was on a mission, but it ended early due to some... well let's just say there were technicalities. Anyway, I was heading back to the village when I sensed your chakra signature, so I decided to drop by, say hi, and see what you're up to."

"Oh! Well, I just figured I'd get in some training, seeing as how I haven't practiced my bending in a few days."

At that, I saw his eye light up with interest.

"Say, I've been curious about this bending of yours. Is that what you were doing earlier with the water? Mind if I sit in on your training session? I could even give you a few pointers on controlling your chakra if you'd like."

"Wow, thank you for offering, Mr. Kakashi! I don't mind if you stay, but I think I can handle my chakra control pretty well already. I've been meditating on this rock for quite a while and I think I've already gotten the hang of it!"

"Oh? Is that so? Well, why don't you try walking up that tree over there. If you can successfully do that with your chakra, I'll be impressed. All you have to do is focus your chakra into your feet like this."

Mr. Kakashi then proceeded to channel his chakra into his feet and walk straight up a tree! With no hands! I stood there, almost gaping, wondering how this could be possible. Then, I decided to stop thinking so much and just give it a try. I channeled my chakra into my feet just as Mr. Kakashi did, and easily walked up the tree next to him. I turned and blinked at him, frowning.

"Mr. Kakashi, this doesn't really seem to be too difficult, are you underestimating me?"

I saw his eye widen in what appeared to be shock, "Wow, (F/N), I must say, I didn't expect you to be able to achieve such a complicated task right off the bat! I promise you, this is no simple feat. Chakra control is difficult for even the most advanced shinobi; the fact that you've accomplished such perfect chakra control in the small amount of time you've been here is truly amazing. How about you show me some of that bending you were talking about, yeah?"

I stood there, on the tree, just staring at him. Is this really as complicated as he's making it out to be? Or is he joking? But he doesn't seem to be joking. Maybe my chakra control is as polished as it is because of my grueling training back home?

"R-really? Well, ok then, I'll take your word for it. Anyway, what type of bending would you like to see first Mr. Kakashi? I'm partial to water-bending even though I was born and raised in the fire nation. Air-bending is super cool too! Although I'm a little shaky at it, but still-"

His bewildered look cut me off from my little spiel about bending as I realized he probably had no idea what I was talking about.

"A-ah... Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Kakashi! I can see that you're confused, you should have stopped me! Anyway, I'll explain it to you, I understand it's all new to you. Anyway, where I'm from, there are four great nations named after the four elements: earth, water, air, and finally, fire. I was born in the fire nation, which is the biggest of the four, and arguably the most powerful. You've probably guessed it by now, but benders are typically able to use the element of the nation they live in. All benders are only able to master one of the elements; I'm not sure why, the reason was never explained to me, but I am the exception to this rule. I am what is known as the Avatar: the master of all four elements. There's only ever one Avatar at a time, and as for the reason for this, once again I'm not sure... hehe sorry. But as I was saying, I was born with the gift of being able to manipulate and control the four elements."

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