Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura: Friends or Foes?

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A/N: I decided to skip the episode about Konohamaru because it didn't really have much to do with the plot, anyways enjoy!


I awoke to the sunshine peeking through my curtains that was shining on my face. It was a peaceful start to the day, so I was hopeful that the rest of it would run smoothly. After all, today is the day that we get assigned to our squads! Already full of energy, I wasted no time in packing up my things; I made sure to eat a hearty breakfast and packed a few water bottles in my bag, just in case. After I was ready to go, I stretched my limbs a little before jogging out the door and down the stairs of the apartment complex. With a hop in my step and a large smile on my face, I was eager to start my new life as a shinobi- and then it dawned on me. I halted in my tracks and sprinted right back up the stairs, unlocked my door, and ran to my room. I forgot my headband. I then tied it around my neck, and once I was sure I was actually ready this time, I once again exited the building.

As I began walking, I noticed Sakura come out of what I assumed was her house. Excited to greet my new friend, I ran up to her and tapped her shoulder before quickly moving to the other side of her. 

"Hiya Sakura-chan! Good morning!"

"Oh! (F/N)-chan! I'm glad it's you, I thought it was a certain PIG who constantly follows me around. Aren't you excited for orientation? We aren't little Academy students anymore, we're kunoichi in training!"

We giggled as we walked, the both of us seemingly as excited as the other to begin our training and meet our sensei. Just then, we came across a flower shop, and the "pig" who I assume Sakura was referring to walked out and saw us. I was about to say hello to her, but the two of them immediately began an intense stare-off, so I decided it was best not to interfere with whatever rivalry they had going on.

"Good morning Sakura, (F/N)."

"Good morning, Ino."

"G-good morning Ino-san!"

To say I was a little intimidated by her glare, even though it wasn't actually directed at me, was an understatement. The girl was scary, but she seemed nice-ish, so I decided to try and lighten the atmosphere.

"Would you like to walk with us Ino-san?"

She didn't say anything, but simply fell into our pace as we began walking. It wasn't long before Ino began to pick a fight with Sakura by insulting her abilities.

"So they actually let you graduate? What a surprise." 

"Those classes are ancient history. We're both ninja now, and we're both equal. I won't lose to you anymore."

Hey, are we forgetting a certain Avatar? Or was I intentionally left out of this equation? Eh, oh well, I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it... I suppose it'd be best for me to stay quiet so I don't accidentally direct their wrath towards me.

At that moment, both Ino and Sakura began to speed up, and since I was a bit shorter than them, it was challenging for me to keep up. Eventually, they got so caught up in whatever they were doing and left me in the dust. I sighed, somewhat thankful, because at least I didn't have to try and match their crazy pace anymore. After a while, I made it to the Academy once again and when I walked into the classroom, I noticed quite the puzzling scene. There was a large crowd of girls around what appeared to be... Naruto and Sasuke kissing?!  My jaw hit the floor.

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