A New Friend?

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Hey all!! It's me, ya girl~ I hope you're all enjoying my story so far, let me know if you have any suggestions or if there's anything you want to see happen later on down the line!

With that being said, let's get on with the story!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As I cringed in pain from my cracked rib, I felt tears prick at my eyes. I managed to observe the person I ran into a little more as my eyes began to adjust to the light. He was taller than me, and he was wearing a mesh shirt underneath a beige layer. His hair, as I mentioned before, was styled in the shape of a pineapple. Whether it was intentional or not, I decided to ignore it. After sitting there for a few seconds waiting for the pain to go away, I took the hand he held out for me as he hoisted me back onto my feet.

"Oh, I'm so very sorry... I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going. Please forgive me."

I said as I watched him pick up my crutches and hand them back to me. He looked at me, and instead of showing anger on his face, he showed... indifference? To say I was shocked is an understatement.

"Hey, don't worry about it, yeah? I'm just as much at fault here as you are, if not more. Man, what a drag, I can't believe I just plowed down a girl on crutches..."

I looked at him, surprise apparently evident on my face, and stood there blinking.

I'm so used to people being mad at me for screwing up, I guess I'm not accustomed to the kindness of the people in Konoha just yet.

"Hey... say something, would you? Why are you just staring at me, do I have dirt on my face or something?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm just... surprised at your kindness is all. I guess you could say I'm not used to being treated normally. Anyway, you really don't have to apologize, I was the one who wasn't paying any attention. It's just that I'm new to Konoha and I was looking around trying to take everything in."

This time it was his turn to be shocked. I saw his eyes widen as he seemed to get a better look at me. I just stood there as he began to eye me up and down, as I was unsure what to make of this situation anymore.

"Huh... so you are new. That explains why I didn't recognize you. Anyway, since you're new and all, might as well introduce myself. The name's Shikamaru. I'm a student at the Academy here. What about you? You seem to be around my age so... are you gonna train to become a shinobi too?"

"Oh! Yes, indeed! Pardon my rudeness, my name is (F/N) (L/N). I actually just arrived in Konoha today... or, was it yesterday? Actually, I don't remember. I was in the hospital for a while so it's a bit foggy. But yes, I will be attending the Academy as soon as my wounds heal a bit more. I look forward to it! I've never been to school before, so this is all so new to me!"

He looked at me strangely, seemingly remembering that I was in fact wounded. Shikamaru narrowed his eyes at me and began scrutinizing my features once again.

"So, I take it you've already met with Lord Hokage yeah? What do you mean you've never been to school before? We're around the same age, you must have had some type of schooling at one point in your life."

I smiled at him and shook my head, "You see... my father, well, let's just say he was overprotective, and didn't want me leaving the house."

I didn't want to reveal my entire past to a boy I just met, so I kept the details about myself to the bare minimum. I saw that he wanted to ask me about my parents, and where they were now. He seemed to decide against asking me, however, probably sensing that it was a sensitive topic.

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