Enter: Naruto Uzumaki!

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Its been a week since I went to Mr. Kakashi about my... erm.. my situation. I know I joined the Academy late in the year, but I didn't realize just how late. On top of my worries about the ANBU, the end of the year crept up on me and I didn't even notice. The graduation exam is only days away, and I know I should be focusing on that right now, but I can't shake my anxieties about the ANBU. Still, even if I wasn't worried about their presence in my new life, I doubt I'd be fretting over the graduation exam; I mean, come on, these jutsu's are a walk in the park!

After I complete my morning routine, I once again set off for the Academy. I'm not in too much of a rush today, so I decided it might be a good idea to take the longer route to school, that way I'd be able to check out more landmarks and monuments. As I was walking, I looked up at the Hokage monument, expecting to be in awe of the glory of the former Hokage's, yet I noticed something strange about them instead. The monument was desecrated with paint and each of the Hokage's faces were covered in silly markings. As I looked at it for a bit longer, I spotted the culprit: it was none other than the hyperactive ball of bright orange, Naruto Uzumaki himself. In the couple weeks I've been in Konoha, there's one thing I've come to know very well, and that's to stay away from Naruto. It's not that I dislike him as a person, he's actually quite friendly. It's just that as I'm new to the village, I don't want to be a burden to my saviors, the ones who took me in. I figured that the least I could do for them would be to work hard and stay out of trouble, and sadly that includes distancing myself from the most notorious troublemaker. Sighing, I turned away from him and continued my walk to the Academy.

I wonder what Iruka-sensei will have to say about Naruto's shenanigans THIS time...

~~~~~Short Time Skip to the Academy~~~~~

I entered the classroom with a bright smile and greeted my friends and classmates. 

"Good morning everyone!" I beamed at them, earning a bunch of smiles and hello's, as well as a variety of other greetings as well. As I took my seat next to Shika, I turned to greet him only to see that he was already out cold. Instead, I turned around and greeted Hinata, someone whom I've become rather fond of as we've recently started taking the same route home.

"Good morning, Hinata-chan. How are you today?"

"G-good m-morning (F/N)-san... I-i'm doing well, th-thank you for asking." She smiled to me, only to quickly change her serene face into that of shock and surprise. Confused, I heard a thump, and taking an educated guess as to what the source was, I turned myself around as my eyes immediately settled on the knucklehead himself, Naruto Uzumaki.

"*Sigh* Seems he's been caught rather quickly. I wonder what's going to happen now..." I trailed off as Shika awoke and looked around in a confused daze.

"(F/N)-san, w-what do you m-mean by that?" Hinata questioned, earning the curiosity of Shikamaru as well.

"Hah, well you see, on my way to school this morning I happened to notice our resident prankster there desecrating the Hokage monument." I shook my head as I frowned. Then, Kiba piped up and joined in on our conversation.

"He what? What a moron, I can't believe he had the nerve to pull a stunt like that!" Before I could respond to him, Iruka-sensei began to speak.

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