The Assassin of the Mist!

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As we got closer to the village, we came across a man with a boat. He said he wouldn't be able to take us across the water to the village however, because he had broken his oar on his way to the shore. All he had was a motor which couldn't be used since it would draw too much attention. Luckily though...

"Sir, if you could just lend us some space in your boat, I'd be happy to take us across myself."

"How are you...?" 

While the man was visibly confused, he agreed nonetheless and everyone gathered into the boat. My squad was silent, since they already knew of my abilities. I had everyone sit down as I stood at the back of the boat and lifted my arms. Swiftly yet fluidly I moved my arms as the boat began moving through the water. Things were going rather smoothly, but the farther we went, the heavier the fog around us grew.

It's getting a bit difficult to see where I'm going...

"This fog's so thick, you can't see anything... Hey, (F/N), you can do something about this fog right?"

I instantly knew what she was talking about-

Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?

"You're right, Sakura! Fog is water, so if I just..."

I halted my left arm while I continued moving the boat with my right, albeit a bit slower. With my left hand, I moved aside the fog by making a sweeping motion. 

"The bridge isn't far now... Our destination's just ahead, The Land of Waves."

Just as the man said that, a large bridge came into view; I had to steer the boat out of the way as I was unknowingly heading straight towards it.

"Good thing I shifted the fog..."

The bridge, although incomplete, was magnificent. There were plenty of construction machines lining the bridge: cranes, bulldozers, etc. I almost got distracted from my task, so I shook my head and refocused my attention on the water. Everything was smooth sailing, but then... Naruto.

"Whoa! It's huge!"

That numbskull...

"What? Quiet! I told you no noise! Why do you think we're travelling like this, huh? Not making use of the engine, moving through the dense fog so they don't see us."

With that, Mr. Kakashi knocked Naruto on the head. Suddenly, I remembered something, "Mr. Tazuna... before we reach the pier, isn't there something we need to discuss?"

At that, Mr. Kakashi glanced at me and nodded, "I want to ask you something. The men who are after you, I need to know why. If you don't tell us, I'm afraid I'll have to end this mission when we drop you ashore."

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