Part 3

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Natalie Ross

I layed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I didn't have anything else to do. Mackenzie was just getting settled back home, Henry helping his dad with something, and Micah went and got himself grounded until the first day of school, which obviously wasn't until the next day.

My dog Nash jumped up on my bed and I couldn't help but laugh at the way he plopped himself down.

"You want to go for a walk buddy?" I questioned while scratching his belly.

The lab looked up at me with his excited eyes.

"I'll take as a yes."

I put him on his leash, grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. I figured since I was already walking I would stop by the little convenience store a few blocks away. I still needed to grab my school supplies.

Me and Nash walked to the store and he felt the need to smell everything. But that's what dogs do.

We finally got there and I tied Nash up right in front of the window so I would be able to see him the whole time. I quickly ran in the store and grabbed what I needed. Three notebooks, colored pencils, and a pack of normal pencils.

The store doesn't normally have this kind of stuff, but being back to school season they did. So I made sure to get it before they put it away for the year.

I quickly checked outside to make sure Nash was still there. He was. He was walking around the pole I tied him to sniffing away at everything.

I went up to the counter to pay and there was a girl taking to the cashier. As I got closer I could hear what she was saying.

"Are you aware that there is a dog tied up outside?" The girl asked with concern.

Before the cashier could answer I quickly chimed in. "Yeah. He's mine. I was just grabbing some stuff real quick."

The girl turned around and I immediately recognized her. Cache Littman. She was basically famous at our school. Ask anyone and they would know exactly who you were talking about.

"Oh ok," she said quickly. "I just wanted to make sure he wasn't left."

"Thank you for the concern," I smiled at her.

I paid for my supplies and went outside and began to untie Nash.

"Hey," a voice said from behind me. "Natalie, right?"

I turned around to see Cache standing there. "Yeah. Cache isn't it?" I motioned at her.

While most people think of being popular at school as being snotty or mean, Cache was actually the opposite. She was known so well due to being super friendly with everyone. She also was one of the best youth musicians in the area. By far the best in the school. That helped her. Everyone at the school had seen her sing and play the guitar in last year's talent show.

"Uh-huh," she nodded her head. "Your dog is adorable," she said after a second.

I smiled. "Thank you. You can pet him if you want," I told her.

Her eyes lit up as she kneeled down to stroke his black fur. "I've always wanted a dog. But my brother's allergic," she chuckled.

"Oh. I'm sorry," was all I responded with.

She continued to pet him for a minute before standing up. "Thank you. I'll catch you around," she said with a wave as she walked away.

I just waved back and started my walk back home with my dog. And I thought about what just happened.

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