Part 16

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Natalie Ross

Wow, I thought to myself for what seemed like a really long time. Cache Littman is LGBT.

I wasn't really entirely sure how I felt about it. I was kind of shocked. But not in a bad way. I was really glad she came to me though. After being out for three years I was finally able to help someone out. However, I was concerned about one of the things she said.

If people find out I will be in a lot of trouble. I didn't know for sure what that meant but I had a pretty good idea. Her parents were probably homophobic and wouldn't take it well.

I sighed. I hated that. I hated homophobic people. I got so lucky to have supportive people around me.

I didn't really have a ton to do, and it was now around 5:00. I leaned back onto my bed and closed my eyes.

Another LGBT girl. Cache Littman none the less, I thought to myself. I had a feeling only a week ago that something about Cache was going to change my life somehow, and I was pretty sure I had just entered phase 1 of the process. The feeling came back, but stronger than before.

She is LGBT. This fact was not going to be good for my denial to my mom and Henry.

Would I date Cache? I thought. I mean she's super nice, and she is pretty cute. But she doesn't seem like someone who I would go for, or would go for me.

I continued to sit and contemplate whether or not I would date Cache. She seemed to kind of have a lot going on, and I didn't want to make it worse. But what if I could help?

I decided this was a mental argument for another time, and headed downstairs to see what the rest of my family was up to.

"Hey Nat!" Stacy called from living room as soon as I got down the stairs. "You need to help me with my math homework."

I rolled my eyes with a slight chuckle.

"I need to or you would like me to?"

"Just help me."

I walked over to see what she was up to. First week of school and she already had weekend homework. Sucks to be her.

"I don't understand these fractions," she complained.

"Look, you just have to change the denominator, and then add."

"Oh, ok," she got back to work and I went to the kitchen.

I decided I was hungry and made myself a grilled cheese sandwich. I got the ingredients, fired up the stove, and made it.

I went over to the table and sat down. Then my thoughts decided to come back. I thought about what Henry had said the other day. Somehow he had known Cache was going to be different. I tried to decide if I would ever tell him about it, but Cache had said not to say anything, and Henry wouldn't be able to restrain himself if I did.

I still was trying to wrap my head around all the facts I had just got. While is was really cool to find out our school had another LGBT girl, but I mostly trying to figure out if she was going to be ok. I was worried for her.

Then all of the sudden my thoughts snapped back to the day before. Caesar's plan. While I knew that Cache wouldn't have gone through with it anyways, this was definitely a great reason for him to come after me. Or her for that matter. I decided I would ask her about it later.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the call of my mom from the other room.

"Natalie, will you come help me translate this website?"

I chuckled and stood up.

"Yeah mom, I'm coming!"

I walked in and saw my mom sitting in front of the computer.

She pointed at the screen, "What does this say?"

I gave a sarcastic smile. "I could translate this while page for you word for word, or I could just do this."

I showed her how to translate.the whole page with the toolbar.

"There you have it," I told her.

"What would I do without you?" She laughed.

"No one knows," I returned with a smile as I left the room.

Not long after, my dad came home and we ate dinner. Stacey still was still trying to do her homework and it was excruciating to watch.

As she ate she tried do it but eventually gave up and just flopped her head on the table. She back up and handed me a french paper.

"Natalie," she groaned. "Can you tell what this says in the slightest?"

I looked at the paper and could tell right off the bat why she was so confused. It was a simple paper, but the wording on it was something to be discussed. French was just like that.

"It basically just asking you to write out a sentence with the words."

She grunted and tried to start back on it. Not really succeeding but the effort was there.

My dad turned to me and started up a different conversation.

"You went to the complex today right?" He asked between bites.

"Yep. Went with McKenzie, Micah, Henry, and my friend Cache."

My sister added herself to the list and said in that sing song voice while raising an eyebrow, "Who's Cache?"

I shot her a warning look. She just gave me a cheesy smile.

"Cache is a friend from school. She's in my student government class," i said putting an emphasis on my voice to imply that we were just friends.

After saying that I had a little nag in the back of my head again.

What happens if we ever aren't just friends?

I decided right there I was not ever going to catch feelings. Ever. However I knew perfectly well that my decision was absolutely beserek for me and that I would not do a good job to honor it. But I could try.

Hey y'all. I'm so sorry this update took so long. I kind of have up on this story. But I saw the read count and the people adding it to lists. I didn't wanna let you guys down. My schedule has slowed down quite a bit and now I have more time too. However I have decide this story is moving WAY too slow. So I am just gonna kinda cut to the chase and pretty much each part will be great. Thanks for reading!

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