Part 6

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Cache Littman

I looked around the room to see if I knew anyone. I saw Amy from choir. I continued to look around but didn't see anyone. Until I saw the girl sitting in the front corner. Natalie Ross.

I knew she was going to be here, but I didn't put it all together until then. Yesterday had been the first time I had ever talked to her. I had had a class with her in seventh grade, but I doubt she had noticed me.

Great, I thought to myself. I only know one person in here, and the only other person I kind of know probably won't be friends with me.

Natalie was known by everyone for one reason or another. I was probably just another person.

She was known by the jocks for being a beast. She could out-lift most the guys, and played sports as good or better than all of them.

The Honors and AP kids knew her because she was in all of their classes, and she was the 100%, A-student. She was the one they went to with questions and corrections.

The teachers and the rest of the kids knew her because she was Student Body President.

The number one thing that every student in the school knew her for though, was the fact that she was gay. In seventh grade someone told someone else, they told another person, and soon everyone knew. She had owned it though. Since then it has become what everyone knew, no matter what group.

I sat in the back of the room where Mrs. Tanner had put me, and when the bell rang she introduced me and the other Hope Squad members to the class.

She said my name and I saw Natalie turn and look at me. Once she saw me she quickly turned around and faced forward again.

My heart dropped. She obviously had chose to forget that we had talked yesterday. She wasn't a bad person by any means. She was super friendly and talked to anyone. But that didn't mean she wanted to be friends.

I continued to sit there bored for the rest of the period, and barely listened to what the teacher was saying.

The bell finally rang and I got up quickly. As I was walking out I thought I saw Natalie smile at me, but it was probably for someone else.

I got on my bus and waited for my friend Liam.

You know what Cache, you might as well make the class somewhat enjoyable, I told myself. I rested my head back on the seat while I waited.

"What kind of day did you have," Liam chuckled as he say beside me.

I sighed. "I have 7th period with Natalie Ross," I told him.

"Well then," he chuckled again, "Looks like you will be making a new friend this year."

I rolled my eyes at him and groaned sarcastically. The bus started to move and the conversation shifted to the rest of our days.

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