Part 5

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Natalie Ross

Beep beep beep. I heard the unmistakable sound of my alarm going off. I quickly jumped out of bed and put on the outfit I had set out days before. I put on my favorite high tops, and did my hair up in a tight bun.

I headed downstairs, but had to make a quick pit stop in Stacy's room to wake her up.

Once I got to the kitchen I could smell the breakfast my dad was making. It was a first day if school tradition to have a special breakfast.

I got my food and ate pretty quick. I brushed my teeth and finished getting ready. Then it was picture time.

Every year, my mom makes me and Stacy take about 200 pictures on the first day, but that's what moms do.

After pictures I grabbed my backpack and headed for the bus stop.

I got to the bus stop and was immediately greeting with the face if Mackenzie. She had gotten tanner, but I probably had too.

I immediately hugged her and we started catching up on anything from the summer that we had missed over FaceTime.

The bus came and as soon as I got on, I could feel that this year was going to be my year.

We got to school and met Henry and Micah in the lunchroom like we had on the years before.

Henry still looked the same as he had the day before, and since last year, but Micah had changed some.

He was taller now, but still shorter than all of us. He had gained some more muscle though, probably from a summer of football.

We all gave our greetings and then started talking about our summers.

Mackenzie talked about Washington, Henry talked about working for his dad, I talked about softball, and Micah told us about his football season, along with his summer of being grounded.

The bell seemed to ring way too soon and we had to go our separate ways. I checked my schedule once again even though I had it pretty much memorized.

1. Biology
6.Computer Tech
7.Student Government

I had come to last week's back to school night, so I knew where all of them were.

I grabbed my binder and started off to biology.

After going through the first 4 periods, we had lunch. At lunch the summer conversations continued right up until it was over.

Periods 5 and 6 seemed to go by in a blur. And before I knew it I was on my way to 7th.

My student government class obviously didn't have too many kids in it, and the teacher was super chill, so I had confidence that this class would be good this year.

Grabbing my backpack from my locker on the way, I made my way to the class.

I walked right in and say down next to one of the kids I had already become good friends with because of softball.

"Aye. It's Natalie," she said as she gave me fingerguns.

"Aye. It's Kodie," I fingergunned back and sat next to her.

The rest of the kids filed in, but I didn't really pay attention because of my conversation with Kodie.

The bell rang and the teacher stood up to say something. We all faced forward to listen.

"Alright guys. I know that this was supposed to be an SBO class, but our Hope Squad didn't have enough kids to support another class, so they will be joining us," she explained to us. "So everyone say hi to Amy, Samantha, and Cache."

I immediately knew what was coming  as I turned around to see two girls I didn't recognize, and none other than Cache Littman herself.

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