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Alone. It was the best word to describe me. Right now, I'm currently sitting on the edge of the cliffs overlooking First beach trying to pinpoint exactly the moment in which my life turned to shit. Or maybe cliché was the best word to describe me. A cheerleader, prom queen and broken hearted. Drinking her problems away. I came from one of the richest and most prominent families in La Push which I guess wasn't hard because of the size of this shitty town. Perhaps Bitch was more fitting. Apparently, I'm worse than my older sister which is saying something considering Leah is a mental case.

I sighed in truth I have no idea how to describe myself. I liked myself sure, but I had major flaws like the fact that I'm still not over my ex-boyfriend who was a ticking time bomb...I really know how to pick 'em. It turns out dating someone else to get over him and using them for sex only seems to complicate the situation. My current boyfriend is a total ass and I know it. Why I am still with him? I guess because I like using him just as much as he likes using me...perfect fit really. But I still wasn't over Paul fucking Lahote. Two years since he broke up with me and I'm still in love with the guy. I know it's pathetic and cliché to cry over an ex-boyfriend who probably doesn't give two fucks about you anymore yet here I am with a bottle of vodka. Not the good kind either it's the cheap shit that my current boyfriend had handy. He wouldn't know good shit if it bit him on the ass.

I wasn't angry at the world don't get me wrong. I'm just sad that my life wasn't where it was a year and a half ago. I used to have everything a loving family, amazing boyfriend and life was good. I was naïve. When my dad died my life just went down hill from there. My siblings being Leah who is a down right bitch and Seth who was sweet and now I honestly couldn't tell you what he's like. Anyways they ran away as soon as dad died and then joined Sam Uley's cult and decided to completely ignore my existence in the process. The most fucked up thing about it is that my stupid sister joined after all the bullshit Sam pulled on her and somehow convinced our naïve brother to join too. 

Sam literally stole my siblings and turned them into gang members with the whole bloody council wrapped around his finger. My mother then joined the council and started ignoring me too. So, I'm outsider living with people who have the same last name as me and that's it. Sam Uley stole my boyfriend...somehow making him even more hot headed and then took my entire family away from me. I hated him, Sam Uley and his fucking cult have ruined my life.

However, to everyone in La Push I, April Clearwater seem to have the perfect life. Rules La Push high, captain of the football team as her boyfriend and just made prom queen... I hated it. My friends weren't actually my friends. Sure, I was popular but my 'friends' followed me out of fear and wouldn't hesitate to stab me in the back to wear a crown for a day. But I only had one and a half years of high school left I could live with it. It's too late to establish a new group of friends now...I've known these people since kindergarten and literally there has been no divisions in social groups at La Push ever. Well apart from the "cult" of course.

I stood and looked and out towards the rocks below...what a bad way to go. It'd be quick though however probably not painless and if the rocks didn't knock me out completely then I'd suffer the pain of drowning. With one last swing of the foul cheap vodka I through the bottle at the rocks below feeling slight satisfaction in watching the glass shatter.

It was probably around 3 AM and sadly I doubt anyone would even notice I'm missing. My family don't talk to me. I've seen Seth once or twice open his mouth only to choke out nonsense and look at me frustratedly. Poor kid... its probably the best insult the idiot can come up with.

I turned around and started to take the short cut to my house through the woods. Had I not been off my face I would've avoided the woods because of the recent animal attacks. I wasn't an idiot I just made idiotic choices when drunk.

Apparently, I can't tell direction when drunk. I've known these woods like the back of my hand since childhood and yet one bottle of vodka and I'm lost like a regular pale face. I was taught from a young age to find a road if your ever lost...find the road and you'll find civilization. Be a bit easier to find if I had the ability to walk in a straight line though.

It was in that moment that I heard a slight rustle towards my left. I would've panicked but in my current state my senses were out of whack and a little delayed. So, it was only once Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb appeared in front of me with no shirts and matching tattoos that I started to scream. God it was like they were straight out of the shinning. I stopped when Quil, my piece of shit I call cousin told me to shut up. Embry Call the douche that was his best friend was laughing his ass off. Now these two are the biggest nerds I've ever met. My mum forced me to include Quil in everything growing up which meant forced play dates with himself and Embry who had a disgusting crush on me till the age of twelve. I hated both dipshits with a passion. Quil and I had a rivalry that started at the age of five. He had a tree house which he claimed was boys only so me being me decided to cut the head off his favorite teddy...we've had it out for each other ever since.

"God what the hell is wrong with you two, I could've died you fuckwits" I was slurring and...fuckwits? Definitely not my best.

They looked at each other then and I heard Embry mutter something like "reeks of alcohol" like excuse me but what the hell. They were both glaring at me but what else is new the cult glares at everyone. Quil sighed and looked beyond annoyed. He turned to Embry and said something about Sue killing him if he leaves me out here. Something I doubt because she barely even bothers with my existence anymore. With that he grabbed me by my upper arm rather forcefully and started dragging me in the opposite direction of my house. My arm was starting to burn around his grip which was why I started pulling but to no avail.

"Why did you have to pick tonight to go running around the woods drunk?" I looked at him then... my cousin had changed. No longer the lanky goofball he was tall and well built. A cult member through and through. My drunk response was weird

"Your hot" He stopped walking at that and stared at me like I'd grown two heads. God what an idiot.

"Not like that you freak! I meant your like super warm and it's burning my arm" I said while indicating to arm that was burning under his iron grip. I don't know what I said but he just started to vibrate after that and then we continued on our little walk. Me struggling to get free and run away while Quil dragged me along like a rag doll to god knows where.

When my house came into view, I was so happy at least now Quil can let me go. Only he wasn't letting go. He's currently glaring down at me. Huh like I'd be intimidated by Quil Ateara the boy I literally use to feed dirt to.

"Thanks for nothing shit head now let me go" He was still looking down at me

" You know Ace you've been an idiot your whole life maybe if you took a day off you might live to see another day" ugh Ace was my nickname that my family used to call me...I hadn't heard that name in ages. And what kind of insult was that?

"Sorry shit head I'm busy right now mind if I ignore your useless advice another time?" I said while drunkenly trying to maneuver my way up the stairs of my porch. When I turned around to glare at him, I found myself staring at an empty tree line...what a dick. When I made into my house it was unsurprisingly quiet, I assumed my family were sound asleep. I then made it my mission to make as much noise as I possible could otherwise poor dears wouldn't know I survived my drunken escapade. I fell asleep in satisfaction knowing I had woken up all three of them...Leah screaming "Shut the Fuck up!" into her pillow was enough to have a smile on my face. 


So I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that has actually decided to read my story. Honestly all the views likes and comments have made my day and I just found out that this story is ranked 25 in twilight!!!!. Like wtf😱🤯😱. And with over 2000 reads I'm just so incredibly thankful. So I've got all this motivation to write new chapters now and I'd just like to thank all of you who have been here from the beginning. Truely giving me inspiration to write and turned this into a new hobby😍❤️👌

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