Chapter 2 : Sorting Time

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It wasn't a very nice feeling

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It wasn't a very nice feeling. It was like making an unbreakable vow with this dangerous eleven year old boy.

"What's your blood status?" Tom asked as if that was the one thing he needed to know about Emily.

She quickly replied, "Pure blood."

He nodded his head and looked back at the view outside, examining the cedar trees and a large lake in the middle, with water moving so swiftly through the rocks.

"What about you?"

He turned his head so quickly that it made her heart skip a beat.

"You don't need to know."

Emily didn't reply and Tom's eyes wandered to her small hands. The skin near her fingernails were peeled off like she had been doing rough work.

"Where are you from?"


"Really?" she grinned, "Me too!"

Emily smiled brightly. She might be pretty and innocent, but behind every mask, everyone's the same, he reminded himself.

Someone pushed the sliding doors aside. The trolley lady was wearing a flowered apron and a rather plump orange dress. She was grinning at the both of them. Tom gave her a small smile which Emily found suprising.

"Do you want anything?" she asked kindly.

"No ma'am," he replied kindly.

"Very well," the trolley lady was about to make her way to the next compartment when Emily stopped her.

"Wait! I would like a couple of that, that and that."

She pulled out a faded brown pouch tied with a thin golden string, then handed some galleons for the lady.

Emily took the stack of snacks with her and began to eat. She was so busy finishing her chocolate frog with a famous witch she didn't know that Tom was staring at her.

"Take it," she gave him a few pumpkin pasties packed inside a plastic cover.




Emily sighed and pulled down Tom's fossil gray trolley which he quickly stopped her.

"What do you think you're doing?" he hissed, snatching it back.

She forced the snack down into one of its pockets and smiled happily. Tom ignored her for the next two hours. She was seriously too disturbing. He needed some quiet place to think.

Night fall and Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry came into view, the abalone moon outlining the shape.

"Look!" she said excitedly, wriggling his hand. He scowled at her, but didn't brush her small hand off his.

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