Chapter 36: Give Me A Chance

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Emily woke up, in a daze, and watched a snowflake landed on the window outside

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Emily woke up, in a daze, and watched a snowflake landed on the window outside. She sighed and got up, washed her face with warm water, and brushed her long hair.

She was all alone for Christmas. Tom had went to Malfoy's house to discuss a very important meeting that he didn't told Emily about. No matter how much she tried to change his mind, he had brushed her off and left with his friends.

Emily rummaged through her chest of muggle books and brushed her fingers on their velvet binders, reading the titles softly.

"Pinocchio.. Romeo and Juliet.." she gently took the book and settled herself comfortably in her bed, with a freshly brewed coffee on her dressing table.

Emily spent two hours reading it, all absorbed with the twists and turns of the story and when the part came where Romeo died, she bursted into tears.

She shut the book and flopped herself back down on the soft mattress, staring at the plain ceiling. Deciding that she couldn't spend her day just watching it go by, Emily pulled on her green jumper and walked out, heading towards the Great Hall.

The soft bells tinkled as she came out from the little door, and Emily froze as she saw him. There he was- with a lopsided smile, holding baskets, and running towards her.

"Suprise!" Connor laughed a bit, shaking the heavy load of food.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing here? I thought you went back for Christmas!"

"I came to accompany you, of course.." he looked away and smiled.

"Thank you.." Emily blushed a bit, smoothing her hair with her hands.

"Well, picnic in the snow? What do you say, princess?" he shook the baskets and they made a rustling sound.

"Sounds absolutely fantastic!" Emily rushed to Connor and gave him a tight hug, which he couldn't return it for he had things in his hands.

Their chattering echoed through the large, empty hallways, and they received a few unpleasant faces from the potraits who were trying to take naps.

"I never expected for you to stay with me - I know you would've prefer to be with your family. You hadn't need to do it," Emily smiled dryly at him.

"That's where you're wrong. I would be with you rather than my family - not that I hate my family, you know, its just that we have never spent Christmas together being friends for three years.." Connor frowned as he remmeber who exactly Emily had been with during Christmas holidays.

"I'm really sorry I rejected your offers. I just - I just really think that Tom will be lonely at Hogwarts. I think he enjoys my accompany so.. I am really sorry," she shoved her hands into her warm pockets as they made their way out of the doors and into the snowy field.

Instead of cursing the slytherin, Connor simply nodded his head. Emily found this a bit surprising, because the both of them weren't  really on good terms, as far as she had remmebered.

"You're not angry at him? Or more specifically, me?"

He let out a small laugh,"You? I can never hate you, Emily. I can never.." he sat at one of the benches and placed the basket of food next to him. As soon as the lid was open, steam curled out of it and Emily immediately felt the urge to snatch the loafs of bread with eggs.

The words made her felt like she was a horrible person. How could someone not hate her, especially when they put in lots of effort in winning their trust and love? She was truly amazed by his kindness and sincerity.


He raised his head. "Why what?"

"Why would you not hate me? I treated you horribly.. I chose Tom over you."

"I know you liked Tom. It's quite obvious, isn't it?" he bite into his sandwich and stared at the sky thoughtfully, "But one day... I'll make you change your mind."

"I'm not sure if I can be persuaded -"

"I love you."

All Emily's thoughts were jammed up. Love? He loved me? More than a friend? But weren't they just best friends? Surely she didn't misheard him... Wait, why is there so many feelings? That warm, fuzzy feeling was starting to accumulate in her stomach and suddenly guiltiness washed over her entire head.

"I - It's too fast, I -"

"I know you don't love me. I just wanted to let you know, Emily, that I had always loved you. I had a serious crush on you when I was twelve, and that's probably the reason why I despise Tom Riddle a lot. You always made him your first priority, and it made me felt so angry. He doesn't deserved you, that's what I had always told myself, but life was never fair, was it? "

"Connor - I don't what to say -"

He moistened his lips, "You don't need to say anything. Maybe - just maybe, I'll spin your world around and you'll realise how much you could have - with me."

"With you?" she looked at him,"I don't know what to do..."

"But you'll give me a chance, won't you? We don't have to date yet... Just spend more time together.. A chance is all I need..." he looked hopefully at her.

Emily saw the spark in his eyes. The desperation in his voice... Why was she so stupid? She had probably hurt his feelings a thousand times, and she surely knew how it felt like. Emily looked hopelessly at the ground and with a swirl of thoughts in her head, she looked up confidently and gave him her most warming smile.

"I'll give you a chance."

He broke into his silly grin, "Thank you. Come now, our food is already cold.. Let's talk about that story you read, hm? Romeo and Juliet.. Tell me all about it," and Connor listened to her story, feeling extremely cosy inside. And if things worked well... Maybe Emily would finally be his. Connor would never have to share her again.

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