Chapter 13: A New Name

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"I still can't believe that you're going back to him," Rebecca said in disgust, or perhaps she had put a hint of fear in it

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"I still can't believe that you're going back to him," Rebecca said in disgust, or perhaps she had put a hint of fear in it.

"Please, can we don't mention it now? It's Charms!" Emily hissed, then carefully placed her wand on the desk, next to the bottle of new ink.

"Argh, it's so hard to write with this quill.. What's the matter with it?"

"I think the tip had chipped off a little... Your words are splattered with blotches of ink.."

"Like I have a choice!" Rebecca grumbled loudly, blocking out the last few coming out from the Professor's mouth.

"Here.. You can have my notes to copy later.." Emily slided the thin piece of parchment to her elbow, poking it with its sharp edge.

"Ow.. But thanks.."

"Emily!" Professor Bourke gestured her to the front, "Come demonstrate the accio charm, will you?"

Rebecca glanced nervously at her, "Go in front, he's calling you!"

She stood up, listened to her own heavy breathing and straightened her gray sweater which wasn't a bit crumbled.

"Alright.. Summon that book," the professor pushed his glasses up his nose and waited. She gulped nervously, then tried to point her wand firmly, even if her arm was trembling a little.

"Accio.. Accio book!" she hadn't got to catch when it came flying at her like it already had a life of its own.

"Well done! Five points to Hufflepuff.. And yes, Jonathan, that's how you exactly do it, not making the object hover an inch above the ground!"

His ears turned scarlet red, and looked down at his table.

"Emily, dear! Do teach him after class. He's been day dreaming a lot lately."

She nodded and went back to her seat, catching a glare from Jonathan.

"Well good luck dealing with that git, don't mess up too badly.. He's been threatened to be kick off the gryffindor team and lose his place as chaser if he failed the practice again," Rebecca whispered, then bid her goodbye.

Emily gulped as she watched the boy in front of her, ruffling his hair in irritation.

"Hello Jonathan. Er, I'm here to help you," she made her way and stood in front of him.

"Hurry on with it. I need to practice," he sounded determined.

"Okay.. First, you point the wand at an object, then you say the object's name in front of the word 'accio'."

Jonathan followed what she said, but the poor ink bottle just hovered a little above the professor's table, then dropped down with a thud.

"It isn't working! I don't understand!"

She flinched at his outburst," Try it again! I'm sure it'll work."

No matter how many times he shouted and jabbed the wand in the air, the ink bottle wouldn't float to him. Jonathan sighed and buried his head into his arms, laying on the desk.

"I don't know what to do, Emily. I don't want to be out of the team.. The captain's furious at me! I can't control the quaffle and make past the keeper.."

She shifted her feet in silence, "You'll managed. I - have to go now. See you, Jonathan."

Emily packed the two bottles of ink and her quill, shut her charms book, and went out of the classroom.

She poked her head around the doors, and today - the library was quiet, unlike the past few days where it was swarming with students that had projects to do.

"Tom? Are you here?" she spoke in a low tone and let out the air in her lungs as she saw him. Emily passed the tall bookshelves, took out a few books that caught her attention and carried it to the table where they usually sat.

"Its late afternoon... You should be here around thirty minutes ago."

"I'm sorry, I had to show Jonathan the accio charm properly," she sat across him, then flipped her Transfiguration textbook open.

Tom nodded without uttering another word, and they study like this for the next fourty minutes.

Emily scribbled his name on a parchment, then reread it again. Tom Riddle... Riddle sounded more like a muggle surname, doesn't it?

"Tom?" Emily squeaked.


"Is - is your f-father a muggle?"

He clenched his fists tightly until his knuckles turned pale white. "Listen here!" he snapped at her, "My parents are nothing else but purebloods!"

She lowered her head, "Sorry... But - I'm sorry."

"I would like to change my name. It sounded like a muggle very well," Tom growled and fix his attention back to the scarp of parchment he was writing on.

"I'm quite good with names! Do - do you mind putting your full name here, please?"

He glared at her, then wrote on the back of his parchment and gave it to her, "Make sure it sounds good.. I would like the word 'lord' in it."

Emily smiled and started crossing out the letters, wrote it down, crossed the whole thing again. She tried several more times until someone came into the library towards their direction.

"Emily!" Connor looked excited, "You're not going anywhere for Christmas, right? Why don't you come to my house? Jonathan and a few other of my friends are staying over there - Chloe and Rebecca too!"

She blinked, "So many people? Is it like - a few houses?"

"My house has fourty two rooms! It'll be no problem, we can go ride our brooms around the large garden and play games.. What do you say?"

The idea sounds fabulous. Emily pictured a rather large mansion, with a pretty garden with trees that was trimmed into shapes - but the idea soon popped as she remmebered Tom. He would be lonely, and she won't be there to accompany him.

"Actually.. I think I have to study more... But don't worry! You'll have lots of fun with my friends. Thanks for the offer."

"Huh? Oh alright," he sighed. There was no mistaking the disappointment in his voice.

He went back outside, and Emily continue to write.

"I don't need your sympathy. I'll be fine on my own," Tom said arrogantly.

She laughed a little, "I don't need anything else. I have you, remmeber?"

"Are you done? I'm waiting," he tapped his long fingers on the desk.

"Yes, yes... Your new names is..."I am Lord Voldemort. How's that?"

His lips curled into a smirk, "Lord Voldemort. I like it. Perhaps that shall be me someday.. The most powerful wizard of all time.."

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