Chapter 40: You Can't Leave

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Emily took her bundle of books and stuff them all inside her new backpack, hoping that the corners wouldn't ripped again due to the weight

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Emily took her bundle of books and stuff them all inside her new backpack, hoping that the corners wouldn't ripped again due to the weight.

She looked out of the window and sighed. Her first kiss was taken away just like that. Tom never mentioned it again after that night, and he acted like as if it never happened, which sort of angered Emily.

But she wasn't good at showing her dislike and madness. She kept them all to herself, and she believed at this way, the people around her wouldn't worry.

"Emily..." a voice drawled behind her.

She didn't even need to look to know the owner of that deep tone. "Tom?"

He paced around the empty classroom, looking around in slight interest, "Not there for the quidditch match?"

"I'm going to go," she slung the leather material over her shoulder but he blocked her way. She looked at him in annoyance.

"I need to go. Connor's playing, Tom!" she protested.

"Oh, am I not your first anymore?" he edged closer, wrapping his hands around her waist. Emily stood petrified in her place, feeling the closeness between them.

"I- he needs me. Please," he gazed up to his cold brown eyes. Emily took hold of his hands and slowly removed them, hurrying past him so he wouldn't be able to catch her again.

The whistles were blowing at the quidditch pitch, and Emily climbed up the towers where her friends was. Girls glanced at her as if they were debating whether to strangle or punch her.

She pushed through the cheering crowd and spotted a mop of brown hair passed by. Emily smiled and quickly grabbed onto Julia's arm.

"Hey," she panted from all the running,"How's the match going?"

"You won't believe what happen," her friend lowered the binoculars and cast a worried expression towards her.

"What is it?"

"Connor made a bet with us. He told us that if he caught the snitch again, then.. You'll be his girlfriend. You weren't there, so we helped you to say yes!" Julia quickly said.

Emily blinked, then she formed an 'o' shape with her mouth, "What? No! I didn't agreed to it!"

"Too late!" Chloe shouted through the roaring Gryffindors, waving her hand frantically in the air. A bludger shot past the hoop and the hufflepuffs erupted with cheers and applause. The chaser looked delighted at the score and quickly shouted commands to the two beaters next to him.

"See? Rebecca's doing great!" Chloe screamed and their friend smiled down at them, proud of her own throw.

"She's an excellent chaser, isn't she?" Julia pressed her eyes to the binoculars, "It's a pity that the team didn't had her when she was younger."

"I guess..."

"REBECCA, MOVE LEFT!" Connor bellowed loudly, and the terrified hufflepuff quickly obeyed him.

He stood high in the air, inspecting the game until a flash of gold caught his attention. He zoomed quickly down, the gryffindor seeker hot on his trail.

Raindrops splattered down quickly everywhere, but the crowd cheered louder instead, afraid that the rain would discourage the players. Emily's shoes were wet and so were her robes, but her eyes never left the captain.

They were so close together, banging into their brooms, trying to catch the flying snitch. The gryffindor seeker was so focused on the tiny ball that he didn't realised a tall pole in front of him, and he smashed against it, his broom cracked into several pieces.

It was now or never. Connor double the speed now that his opponent was out of the way and as his fingers clasped hold of the snitch, a bright lightning flashed down the darkened sky and hit the end of his broom, and he toppled off.

"NO!" Emily pushed herself to the railing, and rushed down, yelling and shoving people out of the way.

His body lay motionless on the grass, and the rain wet his hair and his face.
Emily collapsed at the sight of him and she hovered above, trying to wake him up.

"Connor! Connor please wake up..." she patted his cheeks but they felt so cold. So unusually cold.

"No.."she whispered," No. You can't die! You can't leave!"she shouted at him desperately, clenching his robes tightly. The tears were uncontrollable. Her fingers trembled as she shouted at him, her voice becoming more hoarse.

"Connor! No... Its all my fault," she mumbled, choking on her tears. The professors gathered quickly, urging her to go away, but she held onto his body tightly.

"Connor.." she whispered it again like it'll bring him back, "You can't leave me. You mustn't leave me."

A truth struck her. Despite her undying love for Tom, she had too, grow strong feelings for Connor - but because for the sake of that slytherin, she held back. She pushed his love away, barely giving him a time to actually let him to shower his love. And it was all her fault. He was too desperate, too eager to be with her - and that false hope led him to his death.

"WAKE UP!" she screamed,"Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

The team watched her with sympathy, gazing at the peaceful face of their captain. His body grew icy cold under Emily's warm hands.

"Please.." she broke down into sobs, "I won't be able to forgive myself. I love you..." she buried her face into his stomach, weeping like a widow.

Then there was a humming rthym in his body, the sound of his heartbeat. He coughed and straightened himself up so suddenly that it startled Emily.

"Hello princess," he laughed at her shocked reaction. Relief surged through her veins and she felt so relaxed.

Emily inched closer, inspecting him, "You're not dead..?"

His laugh was the most melodic thing she could ever hear that moment. She burst into tears at the sound of his laughter. Seconds ago, he was lying there as if he couldn't be awoken again, and now he was grinning and laughing.

"I'm alive because I fell off before the broom was struck -"

Emily pressed her lips against his, kissing the rain from it. He was stunned, but eventually kissed her back, brushing the wet hair out of her face. She didn't need any explanation. As long as he's alive, she'll accept any reasons to it.

"I love you. I'm sorry for not admiting it," Emily spoke quietly, guilty

"Its all right. Its good to know that you feel the same.. Ow," he massaged his back and the chasers from his team helped him up.

"Bring him to the infirmary," Dippet instructed his team and they carried him. Emily held onto his hand the entire time, afraid that if she'd let go, he'll slipped away again.

"Hey," he croaked, "So.. You're still going to be my girlfriend, right? I know I haven't really gotten -"


He grinned widely, "That's fast."

Emily laughed,"You had almost died. I must've been kidding myself if I said no."

Connor grinned even more. And that's how you win the heart of a girl.. He thought to himself, Tom wouldn't stand a chance now... He was so arrogant that he didn't realise that he, Connor Marshall, had already found a way inside her heart.

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