Chapter 17: I Missed You, Dad

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"Told you, Rebecca, you can't beat me in Charms!" Julia snorted and waved her wand in the air

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"Told you, Rebecca, you can't beat me in Charms!" Julia snorted and waved her wand in the air.

"Oh, shut it! It's not like - it's not like you're good at everything," she mumbled silently.

"No harsh feelings."

"What fun we had yesterday! If only the year hadn't ended that fast! In a couple of months, we're going to hit our teenage life!"

"Yeah - look at that! We're near London!" Rebecca pointed at the carriages on the street, hench men riding horses with silky coats. They must've been expensive and well taken care of, Emily thought.

They soon got off the train and scrambled about to find a familiar face of their family, eager to go home.

"Tom, do you want me to visit you?" she had asked him earlier, when she had done unpacking her suitcases.

Patty meowed loudly in his arms, which probably meant :Can we not go back to that horrible orphanage? It stinked of muggles!

Emily sighed. "Be a good cat..." and she looked back to see a fat man with a gold watch gazing at her.

"No. Don't visit me," he turned away from her, sighing.

"Then - visit me, please? You can come on Sundays. I'm going to be bored," Emily clutched his hands tightly, hoping that he wouldn't burst her bubble.

"I'll try."

"Yes!" she cheered, "I'll be looking forward to see you again. Goodbye!" she waved and rushed through the wall, her stepdad on her trail, fussing to keep up with her agile speed.

Tom seized the cat and took the cage, containing an owl who looked ready to bat its wings and fly out from its prison.

"I'll be seeing you too.."

"Mom! Mom? Mom!" her voice echoed down the empty corridor until a beautiful lady poked her head out from her bedroom.

"What is it, darling?"

"My robes aren't fitting anymore! Look at me! How -"

"Aunt Mary bought new ones at Diagon Alley already. Do you want to try them on now? You're going back to Hogwarts in a couple of days.."

Emily beamed, "Alright! Come to my room!"

Mrs Vance made her way, put on her bathrobe and opened the four panel doors. "My my, you've grown so much! Soon you're going to be much taller than me and I'll sulk in my rocking chair with my wrinkled hands and face -"

"Don't say that! You're still young, mom!"

She laughed. "Of course.. Sit there, I'll brush your hair for you."

Emily happily sat down and looked into the oval mirror. Her hair was still soft and long, and she didn't find the need to brush it again, but her mother insisted.

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