Chapter 24: Doubts

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"Darling.. Are you sure that your friend Rebecca lives here? It looks like there isn't a single soul.." Mrs Vance peeked out the black carriage, watching the green hills passed by.

"I'm sure she does.." Emily grinned, holding her suitcase tightly.

"Well, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun there, won't you?"

"Yeah! I'm glad that I'm staying here. Rebecca's thinking of joining quidditch next time! We're here help her prepare.."

Mrs Vance smiled, "Of course. Isn't that the house? Look, your friend's flying in the air!" she pointed at a rather large three storey house. There was her friend indeed, trembling with fear while Chloe and Julia shouted words of encouragement.

"I hope she doesn't fall! I almost forgot that her broom turned upside down when she first tried flying," Emily chuckled at the thought.

"Emily darling.." her mother beamed a little at her.


"I'm getting a divorce with your stepdad."

She jumped so happily that her head knocked on something, but Emily was so happy to even care.



She cheered and hugged her mother tightly when the horse men whipped the horses in front to stop moving.

"I'll see you next year. You'll be going to King Cross with your friends, am I right?"

Emily nodded her head, grinning, "Yeah. I'll be fine, mother. Is he going to move out?"

"We're going to move out," her mother corrected her, "Into a smaller apartment, but enough for the three of us."

"Oh..." she was a bit disappointed, because Emily would've like to stay in the mansion, but if it meant staying with her stepdad, then she'll be more than glad to be out of the house.

"I love you, mom," she took her trunk and bid farewell to the elder woman.

Emily sprinted through the grass, shouting to her friends who were still busy getting Rebecca to balance properly in the air.

"Emily! You've arrived!" Julia clapped her hands loudly and squeezed the bones out of her.

"Hi! I'm training!" Rebecca squeaked from above, looking embarrassed that she's just dangling there with her broom.

"You can do this! Try flying!" Emily joined the cheering and fetched her own broom to fly around together.

"Mother! I think I'm a professional player already!" Rebecca laughed as she came into the kitchen.

"Yes, yes! Tell your friends that dinner's ready.." Mrs Jurett smiled widely at her daughter and continued tossing the bacon around the pan.

"Guys! Did you have your letters?" Chloe asked anxiously.

"No..Tom didn't wrote to me at all. I didn't bother to send him one too..." Emily sighed, warming her feet at the fireplace.

"He didn't?"


"Oh look! I have one from my cousin, Rotere. He's from slytherin, remmeber? Apparently he had been hanging around with Tom and Brianna during the summer.. I'll read to you," Rebecca tore the thin paper open and scanned the handwriting.

"Dear Idiot, /annoying Rebecca,

I am pleased to tell you that I had been spending the summer with the heir of slytherin. Well I must say that I'm surprise that Tom would start dating - with a couple of girls. I mean, he's the heir! But anyways, we've started planning a couple of things. Honestly, if you're in your right mind, you can join us. You're a pureblood, after all! And - er, another girl that's your roommate? Is she Erin Velen? I don't really care. Do take care - don't fall off from your broom!

From your cousin,

"Riddle's dating? I see he had rise to a bad boy level!" Julia said jokingly.

"He's dating..? But I thought he couldn't love anyone.." she squeezed her toes together.

"Well maybe he lied! Or - or maybe he's taking girls for pleasure?" Chloe frowned.

"Ew! That's disgusting to think of!" Emily felt her stomach made a flip inside, like the feeling when she got nervous or excited.

"I don't know what to think. I don't know.." she sighed loudly, and watched the fire dance and flicker.

Emily watched the lights dance in the guest room. She was sharing a rouge pink queen bed with Julia, who was fast asleep, snoring into her pillow the moment her head hits the bed.

She tossed and turned a couple of times, and finally got some sleep. The moments drifted by when she woke up again because of a nightmare she just had.

The thought kept bothering her. Emily still couldn't believe that Tom would actually date.. Especially when he told her that he couldn't love anyone. Was he doing it out of his own desires?

"Emily?" Julia fluttered her eyes open, looking confused.


"Why are you awake?" she pulled the sheets up to her chest and rested her arms on the warm fabric.

"Oh I don't know.. I can't sleep," she turned her head to face her friend.

"Why not? Was it because of - him?"

"How'd you know? Yeah.. It was him. I - I can't help but feel that he didn't liked me one bit. He told me that he couldn't love anyone.. But yet he still had girlfriends! Not to mention its more than one.."

"Yuck. I understand.. Maybe you should leave him already, know what I mean?"

She sighed loudly. "You know I can't... I love him. Perhaps from the moment I met him, I - fell for him already, and he became my world!"

"Then go for Connor. He's a good person, Emily," Julia nudged her leg.

"I know.. But -"

"Don't listen to Riddle anymore. Connor's the right man for you. He'll keep you safe and warm, kiss you to sleep, ride a broomstick with you... That's all the things that you could have."

"What?" Emily slapped her hands onto her face, "I'm just so frustrated!"

"Listen to me, Connor Marshall is the right person!Believe me! Riddle doesn't love you, alright? He just wanted to play your feelings. He does things to other girls!"

Emily stopped talking and stared at down at her hands. "Julia, I -"

"Don't think about it anymore. We'll wait until school starts. It's just a couple of weeks!"

"Alright.." Emily turned around and pressed the sheets to her face. Could her friend be right? That she had fell for the wrong person? But Emily felt everything about Tom was what she wanted... And - what if he was the right guy with all the wrong ways of loving someone?

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