Chapter 48: Murderer

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Emily trudged along the snowy path, her boots leaving marks on the white ground

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Emily trudged along the snowy path, her boots leaving marks on the white ground. Julia was walking beside her, rambling about Potions and how she had blowed up her own cauldron, which Emily listened half heartedly.

"I mean, it wasn't my fault! Professor Slughorn is the worst, honestly! If it wasn't for - Emily! Are you listening?"

"Mhmm," she mumbled, kicking the snow in front of her as they made their way to get some warm pastries.

"I'm sure you're not," Julia rolled her eyes and the bell chimed as they walked inside. The waiter greeted them and adjusted his hat.

"I woud like some chocolate almond tarts. A couple of those too," she poked her finger in the air, mouthing words to the witch who was looking extremely sleepy.

Emily gazed around when her mind clicked onto something. "Julia!" she cried out loud.

"Had we forgot about our tea?"

She looked at her, bewildered. "We left it... At the shop," she smacked herself and groaned.

"It's alright! I'll go get it!" Emily rushed outside, trying to get her beanie hat onto her hair since it was strating to fly away with the wind.

The shop wasn't far away, but it took Emily a long time to find her way around Hogesmade. Every shop literally looked almost alike if it wasn't for the decour and colours. Perhaps the colours weren't much help since they're all pure white.

She finally found it hidden behind a rather busy clothing shop and rushed inside, the warm fire greeting her. The shop seemed unsually... Empty.

The cups of tea were placed on the tables and Emily grabbed it. She didn't planned to stay longer but there was chattering above.

She paused, straining her ears to hear more of the conversation. Emily made her way back, saw a flight of wooden staircase and slowly climbed it. This was rather stupid, considering that her friend was waiting, but the voices sounded familiar.

There was only a door at the upper floor, and it was slightly ajar, allowing  muffled voices became more clearer.
Emily had almost dropped the cups of tea as she saw Tom and the owner of the shop busy talking.

"Of course.. But, I can't tell you.." the chubby man with the three piece suit paced around his little office.

"I'm sure you can," Tom persuaded, playing with his wand.

"No, I can't! Even if it sounds like a good bargain, but no! I can't betray my friend like that, young man,"the owner shook his head.

"Then I guess.. It's not good anymore, is it?"

The owner glanced at him, panicked, "What do you mean?"

He slashed his wand in the air and a gash of blood ran down the old man's face. Emily covered her mouth, her hands shivering with fear. What is this? How could he do this like as if he was... Enjoying it?

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