Chapter 50: Heartbroken

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(please play 'say something I'm giving up on you - a great big world, Christina Aguilera

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(please play 'say something I'm giving up on you - a great big world, Christina Aguilera. Thanks!)

This was it. The last meeting they'll ever had together. Emily let her hair down and picked a black, sleeveless, halter dress. She put on some dark robes and sighed softly as she touched the mirror.

"Are you sure about this?" Connor came up behind her and kissed her gently.

"Yes. I'm sure... I'll try my best to persuade him, Con."

"Why would you do this?" he said loudly, a bit angry, "I'd rather he not listen to you. He can't love you back, Emi. He can't."

"Because I still love him. Six years of love and friendship... It means a lot," Emily hugged him and made her way out of the kitchens, leaving him alone.

She quickly walked through the hallways to the Hogesmade station, and apparated herself, though it wasn't the best decision. Emily still hadn't got comfortable with this way of transport. It always made her feel like throwing up.

Emily saw a little French shop, and from the outside, she could hear classical music playing softly in the background. The tables were all draped with brown cloth and there were candles lit everywhere. It was certainly very romantic.

She stepped inside and saw him sitting down there.

"You're here," he looked up to meet her eyes as she sat down quietly.

He beckoned the waitress to come and she took their orders quickly. Emily sipped her lemonade, staring down at her little shoes.

"How are you doing?" he started a conversation.

His brown eyes bored into hers. Emily wanted to poured out all her feelings to him, but she held it in. "I'm doing fine."

"You must be glad. Connor Marshall had saved the day, and everyone loves him for it."

She averted her gaze away. "Of course. The hero of Hogwarts, they say."

"Hm, pity. He could've died."

"What do you mean?" she fixed her gaze towards him, her anger burning.

"I had planned for it to happen. Surprisingly, they killed the wrong guy."

"What?" she widened her eyes, "You're -"

Tom had a look of amusement on his face. "Yes. I'm the leader of the death eaters, Emily. Suprise?"

"You almost killed him..."she whispered, shocked.

Emily kept quiet for the rest of the conversation. There was so many thoughts going through her head. Tom's the leader. He actually had the audicity to try and kill her boyfriend!

Their food arrived quickly, the plates hovering to them. Her lemon maringue pie dropped itself in front of her. He just took some flan pudding, obviously not eager to eat that much. Emily picked her metal spoon and poked it into the white fluffy cream, but she immediately lost her appetite as she remmebered what she had wanted to ask.

He noticed her action and raised his head a little. "What's wrong?"

"Tom, I - I want you to give up on that horcrux."

His face darkened and he clenched his fists. "There is no way I would give up on it."

"Why?" she croaked, her voice full of despair, "Why must you make it?"

"Hadn't I explain it to you?" he raised his voice, "It gives me immortality. Power."

"You don't need power! Is it nessacary for you to be the most feared wizard people known? Why - why can't you give it up?"

"You don't understand. Once you fell for love, you lose everything. And I'm determined not to," he spoke firmly, "Power gives me everything."

"Can't you see?" she raised her voice too, "It's feeding on you little by little! It takes you away, it's taking you away from me! The more you crave for it, I -"

"Shut up!"

She dropped her mouth open. He had never spoke that harsh towards her, and it hurts. It hurts a lot.

"I -" she lose her speech, "And that's why you'll leave me.."

He stood up and took the black umbrella. He avoided her beautiful eyes, "I'll be going now. Enjoy your dinner," he stepped out from the restaurant.

It was starting to rain heavily outside. The sky had been covered with ash gray clouds with strikes of lightning coming through it. The streets were wet and slippery, and the yellow street lights were starting to damp out.

Emily paid the waitress quickly, none of them touching their food and she ran after him.

"Tom!" she shouted, running in the rain. It soaked her dress and hair, but she didn't care.

"Please, listen to me!"

He stopped walking and turned around, "I don't need to hear your pathetic rambling... Go back to Hogwarts," he walked away.

She ran after him, not losing hope, "Please! If you can't do it for the good, then do it for me! Do it for me..." she held onto his robes tightly.

"Let go," he growled, "You're as stupid as everyone else, don't you know?"

"And what about our love? All those years, the waltz, the date, the night up the tower! Does that mean anything to you?"

He looked at her boredly. "No."

Her heart tore apart. They ripped into a thousand of pieces, making her suffocate for air.

"What?" she said in disbeliefment, but she regain her anger.

"You're the worst person I've ever met. I should have left for another compartment five years ago when I first met you in the train-"

He raised his hand and slapped her across the face. Tom watched her fell down onto the ground, but he just stood there watching her.

"And perhaps you were right."

"Wait! Don't leave me!" she reached out for him but he apparated away, leaving her hand clutching the wind. Everything fell apart. She pressed her hand against her chest, feeling the sharp pain. Emily started crying.

She lost him. She lost everything she had for him. Perhaps it was for the best. Connor's waiting for her. He had always waited for her...

Emily felt guilty and sad. He hit her. He had actually hit her, and she hated him for it. But what's the worse part?

Emily still loved him. She'll love him with the ashes of her dead body and the broken pieces of her heart and soul.

She waited for him to come fetch her, and she waited for hours, crying in the rain. But he never came back. He never did.

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