Chapter 26: Take Care

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"Honestly girl

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"Honestly girl... You've got to fix that skirt of yours!" Chloe looked down at the black skirt she was wearing.

"I know!" she wailed,"Connor had told me he'll be buying me new robes.. Even if I had refused! He had already ordered it, so what can I say?"

"But bloody hell! That skirt is exposing your skin! A lot of boys are staring -"

"Yes I know!" Emily gripped her wand tightly, "But what choice do I have? My other skirts are all still dirty!"

Chloe frowned and glared at one of the gryffindors, "See that guy?" she whispered, "He's looking at your arse!"

"R-really?" she pulled her skirt down so harshly that Emily was for a moment, terrified, that it might tear apart.

"Obviously. See that guy there? He's now looking at you like you're a type of new broom! Stupid ravenclaw.." her friend walked closer to her.

"I can do this. It's just for a day - Chloe?" she nudged her arm, "What's wrong? You looked a little pale for a sudden.." and Emily wandered to where she was looking at.

It was a slytherin boy, probably at the age of fifteen. He had his tie wore loose and the collar of his shirt straightened up. Emily knew he was bad news.

"That's Dexerter. He's one of the most perverted guys I know.. He had tons of girlfriends, honestly. But he's not that good looking, is he? Such a git.. You better not cross his path," Chloe narrowed her eyes at the slytherin.

"Alright.. He looks bad enough already," Emily walked further away from him. It was in the middle of November. Connor recovered from his injuries and was catching the snitch again for hufflepuff this year. The robes that he had promised her will probably be arriving this week.

"Come on, Emily.. Just a bit more steps and we're over that disgusting guy!"

They passed by him quickly and when Emily thought she was safe, she felt someone lifted her skirt up from behind.

She shrieked as she tried to pull it down, but Dexeter smirked at her, his wand hovering her skirt so that he could see her panties.

"Stop it!" she cried out loud,"Put my skirt down!"

Chloe looked alarmed and tried to hex him but one of his friends stopped her by snatching her wand away.

"Let my friend go, you git!" she had screamed loudly at him, attracting all sorts of attention from the hallway, but the rest of the students were too afraid to do anything.

Emily muffled her sobs but her tears poured down quickly as the boys took peeks from the behind. She had never felt so humiliated by a boy before. Is this what it's like to get harassed? The feeling is terrible.

"STOP IT!" she shouted, her skirt still lifted up, mustering the little bit of courage left in her.

Dexeter laughed. "How cute.. Nice black panties you have, Vance. Where'd you buy them?" he mocked her. The two other slytherins snickered beside him, entertained by his act.

"You - you-"

"I'm what? I can't hear you -"

"Experlliamus," someone muttered behind her, and Dexeter's wand flew out of his hands. Emily's skirt was finally dropped down and she sobbed in relief.

Tom walked past her, his friends  waiting at the end of the hallway as he strolled to Dexeter.

"Apolagise," he said coldly. The way he spoke send chills down her spine.

"Tom, its alright -"she protested, but she was cut off by the arrogant slytherin.

"No. I won't," Dexeter refused. He wouldn't lose his pride when there is  a huge bunch of people watching.

"No?" he said casually, "Oh well I was going to do it either way," Tom thrust his hand out and an invisible force took hold of Dexeter's neck, flunging him to the stone wall.

He made choking sounds and his lower body wriggled in desperation. The students watched in horror, some of them with looks of admiration on their faces.

"No! Tom, please, spare him!" she shook his arm but all his attention had went to the struggling fifth grader.

"Tom.. Tom.... Please stop it.." she pleaded again, her voice full of despair.

He turned to look at her and finally dropped his hands, Dexter's neck left with a red mark.

"Emily," he tried to take hold of her hands but she withdrew it and backed away quickly. No. Tom had almost suffocate a student to death.. How could she trust him now? What will happen to her if she angered him? How - could she endured the pain if she stuck with him?  Julia's advice came into her mind, "Don't listen to Riddle anymore. Connor's the right man for you. He'll keep you safe and warm, kiss you to sleep, ride a broomstick with you... That's all the things that you could have." But hadn't she mention that Tom had multiple girlfriends? Then what makes him different from Dexeter?

"Emily," he walked closer to her after everyone else had parted, leaving the two of them alone, and the torches above them crackling with fire.

"You - you just - you'd -"

"I did what it's right," he spoke in a low, comforting tone and she had almost believed him.

Tom took her hands but she struggled to break free.

"Get away. Get away from me!" she hissed loudly. It hurt a bit when she said it, even if he wouldn't admit it in her face. She had treated him like a bad guy, as if she had saw the devil himself.

He pulled her forward and her body crashed into his. She hadn't hugged him for a long time and his scent was drifting to her nose.

Emily had wanted to stay in his arms, but what if he was just a wolf dressed like a sheep? A fake personality. Fake feelings. Fake Affection.

She struggled to push him away but he grabbed her firmly, carresing her back with his long fingers.

"You're going to be all right... I can hurt him more if you want.."

"No! Don't do it -"

"Why?" he asked and for a moment it was dead silence. Even if she couldn't see his face, she knew he was scowling.

"Because - you're hurting him. I don't want anyone to get hurt.."

"Stupid. Your kind hearted soul will be your murderer," he scolded her.

"Thank you, Tom. But I think I should be heading to my class now?" she squeaked, afraid to do anything else already.

"Of course.." he let go almost unwillingly, his hands drifting to the pockets of his robes.

Emily forced a smile. "See you.."

"Do take care," he cupped her face and planted a kiss on her forehead, then walked off, his robes billowing.

What in Merlin's name did he just did? That was - oh my lord. Emily flushed in embarrassment and felt butterflies fluttering wildly in her stomach.

"Take care too.." she whispered softly, a smile forming on her lips.

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