Chapter 34: A Dive

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"I'm tired,"Chloe rested her head on her arms," I think I might rip his girlfriend's blond hair off if I saw her again!"

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"I'm tired,"Chloe rested her head on her arms," I think I might rip his girlfriend's blond hair off if I saw her again!"

"Just eat," Julia pushed the plate of treacle pudding to her, "This will cheer you up."

But Chloe just got more angry at her offer. "Excuse me? I'm fat enough already! Do you think food is going to help me again, hm?"

"She's just trying to help you," Rebecca massaged her shoulder while she shoot daggers at the girl with strawberry blond hair.

"No one says that you're fat. You're just thinking in your way," Julia eyed her, "And stop looking at me like that! I have my own troubles, all right?"

"That's right. You're not fat. No one said that. You've got to stop telling yourself that and embrace your own body," Emily gave her friend a small smile and went back to her essay.

Chloe merely nodded and scooped the pudding, practically swallowing it, "I mean, Emily, how could you handle such stuff? Tom Riddle had many girls, don't you feel like this somehow? Especially that girl with tanned skin with the long black hair. I say that she's his soulmate. Probably just as evil as him."

Emily looked up from her written parchment and stared at the girl sitting next to Tom. She had just arrived last year, and was one of the most powerful duellers in Hogwarts. She had a lot of comebacks, and was definitely Tom's kind of girl. Surely she came from Ilvermorny, did she? Emily couldn't remember which school it was.

"Hello princess," Connor came from behind, kissing her cheek so suddenly that she almost slapped him.

"What do you want? Go back for training," she shoved his arm playfully, smiling.

"I just came here to grab some toast. How's your day?"

"Pretty alright.. Got to do some patrolling, you know, being a prefect and all," Emily sighed and polished her badge.

"My match starts three months later. Got to have all the practice I need to win points,"he grinned and munched on the sausages sandwiched in white loafs of bread.

Emily glanced at him." You're going to do great, "she touched his cheek.

"I know. I know I'll do great when you're with me," he held her hand on his face. They exchanged smiles before leaving for their own ways.

Emily bid goodbye to her friends and marched through the hall, the cold air outside inviting her as soon as she set foot on the green lawn.

A few slytherins were practicing quidditch, and their captain seemed frustrated at the beater who couldn't avoid a bludger properly. That made her think of Connor. Hopefully he's doing great, getting Rebecca all good as the role of chaser.

"Excuse me, but are you suppose to bring that here?" she spotted a young gryffindor boy dropping a dungbomb to the ground, and it exploded, sending a wave of toxic smell in the air.

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