Chapter 4

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Izuku's POV~

I was healed almost as soon as I got back. Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to leave for a full day. The doctors said they wanted to keep me observation. I wasn't sure why, Eri fixed me up just fine.

I was let out about twenty four hours later, which meant it was pretty late at night, around ten. I decided to take the long way home, through the park. I really enjoyed the walk last time, so why not do it again?

"You're a complete and utter idiot." Wow, deja vu much?

I turned the corner and sure enough, it was Kacchan and Kirishima. Do they live in the park or something?

I walked right up to them, this time they both noticed me, so I didn't scare the crap out of Kirishima again. "See! That is how you walk up to someone normally!" He said with a smile. "Next time you scare me I might have an actual heart attack." He muttered. I was a little confused by his last statement, but decided to let it go.

"Do you two sleep here or something?" I asked them teasingly.

Kacchan had his arms crossed, looking off to the side, but Kirishima laughed at my joke. "No, we just really like it here. When this one can't sleep," he pointed to Kacchan, "we go for a walk through here."

I nodded in understanding. I really understood sleep problems. It was really sweet of Kirishima to go with Kacchan. He seemed like a pretty great person and I had only just met him.

Kacchan rolled his eyes at the red haired man. "He gets grumpy when he's tired." Kirishima stage whispered to me, bumping his elbow into my side in a joking manner.

But you see, I had just been in a pretty vicious fight the night before and had broken multiple ribs. They may have been healed, but god damn did they hurt.

I flinched away from him while grabbing onto my side. I let out a noise close a whimper and nearly fell over from the sharp pain that wouldn't go away.

I felt two pairs of arms grab me, both being careful of my bad side and leading me over to the park bench on the side of the path. "Shit- Midoriya I'm so sorry!" Kirishima said.

I weakly smiled at him. "Don't worry about it, I'm good." I said. You could easily hear the strain in my voice.

"W-what- um, what happened?" Kirishima asked nervously, looking over at Kacchan who shot him a look.

"I was kind of... blasted into a wall." I said, still holding my side. The pain was starting to fade, leaving behind a dull ache.

"Wow, sounds like an asshole." Kirishima said, throwing a glare at Kacchan who huffed and rolled his eyes. I looked at them weirdly, but didn't ask.

"Yeah, he kind of was." I agreed, remembering how rude Zero had been. Kacchan audibly scoffed.

"Do you mind me asking who it was?" Kirishima asked.

"Have you heard of Red and Zero?" I asked them. I figured they had, it's hard to find someone who hasn't heard of the villainous duo.

"Obviously." He said with a hint of a smirk on his face.

"Well Red's polite enough. Zero's a dick though." I said. I noticed Kacchan tense but brushed it off as Kirishima started to laugh.

"That bad, huh?" He asked me.

"You have no idea." I groaned as I shifted wrong and the sharp pain in my side was back.

"You'd be surprised." Kirishima said cryptically, causing me to raise an eye brow at him. He cleared his throat and avoided eye contact. "Do you need help getting back home? You seem a little... out of it." He said kneeling down beside me.

"Would you mind?" I asked sheepishly. I just needed to get home, then I could take some pain killers and I'd be better in the morning.

"Not at all, little dude." Kirishima said with a smile.

"I'm not little." I grunted as Kirishima helped me stand up from the bench. He wrapped one arm around my waist as I wrapped one over his shoulders. I was able to lean some of my body weight on him as we walked, Kacchan next to us.

"Nerd, you're like five feet tall." Kacchan said with an eye roll.

"I'm five-six!" I argued.

"Oh my god you're so small." Kirishima said, trying to hide his laughter.

"I. Am. Not. Small." I said back, semi angry.

"Awe, he's kind of cute when he gets worked up." Kirishima said with a smirk, throwing a glance over his shoulder at Kacchan, before directing his eyes back to my now beet red face.

"Shitty hair, leave him alone or I'm gonna end having to carry him when he faints." Kacchan said. I saw the ghost of a smirk on his face, but then it was replaced with his usual scowl.

I looked away from both of them, my face an embarrassing shade of dark red. Why did they have to be like that? How was it fair? Plus Kirishima's closeness wasn't helping one bit.

"So um, where are we actually taking you?" Kirishima asked when we reached the end of the path.

"O-oh right, um, up this street, take a right and I live in the apartment building." I explained. Kirishima nodded and we were on our way again.

"Um, thanks for helping me guys." I said, looking down as we walked.

"Don't mention it, it's the least we could do considering-" Kirishima was abruptly cut off as Kacchan smacked the back of his head.


"Um- considering you didn't arrest us a few nights back!" Kirishima explained.

I nodded and smile a little bit. He was talking about the beef jerky thing. "You know, I was never gonna arrest you for that. I couldn't, you didn't actually succeed in breaking the law." I said, trying to suppress my laughs.

Kirishima's face fell at my words, but Kacchan- he actually laughed. I hadn't heard his laugh in years.

I'm too gay for the strain it put on my heart.

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