Chapter 10

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Izuku's POV~

I put in a whole lot of work for this to fall through now. I had waited until Kiri and Kacchan left, so I didn't have any babysitters. I had scoped out the area surrounding my building, making sure Ura wasn't on a steak out. I even called Iida to figure out where Ura and Shoto were stationed today, just to make sure I wouldn't get caught. I made it all the way to my district.

And then I got caught.

"You can't be serious right now." I heard a familiar female voice say. I looked around the dark street where I had last seen Red and Zero, and found someone different.

Earphone Jack did not seem happy to see me.

I shyly smiled. I was never gonna be off of house arrest after this. "Hey?" I offered. We usually work separate shifts, so I haven't seen her in a while.

"Don't 'hey' me mister, Uravity told everyone that if we saw you on patrol, to send you right back home. You seriously need to rest." Her voice was stern, but softened towards the end.

"If I need rest so bad, then why am I still being scheduled for patrols?" I asked her with a cocked eyebrow.

She seemed thoroughly annoyed with my question. "Deku, I swear to god if you don't go home right now-"

"I'm already here! Please just let it slide this once. If you're that worried then just patrol with me." I bargained. I didn't really want to tag along with her, but only because I prefer patrolling alone. It gives me time to think. Even if I didn't want to, I was desperate.

I saw her fight with herself internally for a few moments. In the end she gave in, "Fine, but Uravity hears nothing of this, got it? I don't want to get on that woman's bad side." Jirou said with a shiver. I didn't blame her, Ura can be terrifying.

I nodded, but couldn't help the small smile I had on my face at the code name. We were on patrol, so officially on the clock. We can't use real names of other pros or ourselves. Hearing the code names of my old classmates just makes me feel peacefully nostalgic, thinking of when we first came up with them in first year. It's amazing to think of how far everyone's come since then.

"Let's just get this over with before you break another bone." She said, leading the way up a fire escape. She was going up to the roof of the same building I had been on the first time I encountered Red and Zero.

She had walk up the fire escape, I kind of just scaled the building. Parkour is pretty fun, especially when you have a super power to help propel you up. I was already scanning the area by the time Jirou reached the top.

"Damn you and physically amping quirk." She complained when she saw me standing near the edge.

"Heh, sorry bout that. You know I probably could have just carried you up." I said, turning my eyes back to the surrounding area of the building.

"Carrying just yourself up here was enough strain for you, I can take the stairs. Wow I sound like the lamest hero ever." She said with a snort. I lightly chuckled with her, the way she phrased it did sound pretty lame. Not that she was! Earphone Jack was an amazing pro!

It went quiet for awhile before I decided to break the silence. "How have you and Creation been lately?" I asked her. It was no secret that her and Yaoyorozu have been dating since third year.

I turned and saw that she had a light blush and a soft smile as she thought about the other girl. "Really great." She said quietly.

I nodded with a smile of my own. I was beyond happy for them. They were great for each other. Just the length of their relationship was enough to prove that.

"Do I hear wedding bells in the near future?" I teased. She tensed up and started to sputter, just like I thought she would. I loudly laughed at the scene. "Calm down, I was just joking. You're still really young, you don't have any rush." I said, trying to calm her down.

It went quiet again as she recovered. The next time the silence broke, it was due to her. "You know, I wouldn't actually be opposed to it." She said.

I looked over at the fond look she had on her face. She was in love and anyone could see that, clear as day. I smiled at the thought. Despite how okay I was with the loneliness, I know that a lot of pros struggle with it, and I don't want that for anyone, let alone my friends. I was happy they had each other.

As our shift started to come to an end and the sky just barely started to lighten, Jirou stood up from her spot and yawned. "You ready to head back?" She asked. Technically our patrol was over.

"Nah, I'm gonna stay here for a little longer, I've got nothing better to do and the next patrol won't be out for a few more hours. You can head back if you want though." I said to her.

She gave me a skeptical look. "When was the last time you slept and how long?" She asked.

"I slept for twenty four hours yesterday and I'm used to working off of four. Trust me, I'll be fine for two more hours." I said with a playful eye roll.

She huffed as she walked over to the fire escape. "That's not how that works but whatever, I wanna go home and sleep. I'm telling someone you're out here though, just in case you aren't back in the next few hours. Don't worry, Uravity won't find out." She said over her shoulder, and then she was gone.

I sighed as I watched her walk down the street, seconds later. Uraraka was totally going to find out. I had no clue how, but I didn't underestimate the girl.

I had stayed back on a hunch. A damn gut feeling is what I was going to get beat up by Ura for. But hey, the hunch wasn't wrong.

After Jirou left, it took the bar a street down all of five minutes to swing it's side door open. Out walked the two people I had been waiting for. They had to have gotten smarter since the last time we.. talked. They paid attention to the patrol schedules and worked around them when there was dead time. Why didn't they just do that from the beginning?

I watched them carry crates back and forth to a truck that was parked a little bit away. Full crates in, empty crates out, just like last time. What the hell was in the bottles?

I decided to go down and figure it out.

I was just praying that nothing bad happened or Uraraka would kill me.

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