Chapter 16

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Izuku's POV~

"I love you guys."

Once we were all done eating, they both forced me to go to bed. It was around three in the morning now, so I might have been getting a little tired. I agreed, but only if they came with and got some sleep to. I knew they generally got more sleep than me, but not by much.

And that's how we ended up where we are now. I was half asleep in between them both. I was just thinking about everything that happened that night and the whole time I've known them. I had come to the conclusion in my head, but I guess the words didn't want to stay there.

As soon as the words left my mouth I bolted up. "I-I- that's not-I'm sorry- shit, I just- I-"

"What the hell? Why are you freaking out?" Kacchan asked me, concern written plainly on his face. It was new, seeing his emotions so clear and easy to read. I enjoyed it. It meant he felt comfortable enough around me to let me see them.

"I-I just screwed everything up- I'm sorry- I"

"Whoa, why do you think you screwed anything up?" Eiji asked. He looked just as worried as Kacchan, if not worse.

"Because we just started dating- you guys couldn't- you know-"

"If that what you're worried about? That we don't love you back?" Kacchan's voice was soft, the softest I've ever heard him.

I looked up at him as he stared into my eyes. I hesitantly nodded.

"You really are an idiot." He said with a small smile. "We fucking love you too nerd, now go to bed." He said, laying back down like nothing even happened.

I stared straight ahead of myself in shock. Did they really?

I felt a hand gently move my face to look over at Eiji. He pulled me into a gentle kiss. Sure, we've all kissed a couple of times since we started dating, but this kiss was... different. It was soft and slow, and conveyed everything I needed to know.

He pulled away first and rested his forehead against mine. "I love you." He said lightly. I giggled at how cheesy he was being, considering he was totally trying.

"Oh fuck that." I heard Kacchan say from the other side of me. I turned to look at him, confused by his outburst, until he also pulled me into a kiss.

His started out much rougher than Eijirou's. It definitely made sense, considering his personality. Even if it started rough, it slowly melted into a soft, sweet, kiss. Something I never experienced, or expected to, with Kacchan.

"Wow." Was the only thing I said once he pulled away and laid back down. That's when I noticed Eijirou had also laid back down. I turned around and saw that they had quickly kissed each other and were now just waiting for me to lay back down so we could all sleep.

I quickly did just that. "About damn time. Can we actually sleep now?" Kacchan ask, burying his head into my shoulder.

I quietly laughed at him. "Yeah Kacchan, we can. Good night, love you guys." I said.

"Love you guys to."

"Mhm, we all love each other. Now go to fucking bed."


I woke up the next morning, alone. I looked around the room and didn't see any sign of the two boys. I looked at my night stand and saw a note right next to my phone.

Sorry Kitten,

We got called in to help stock at the bar. We'll definitely be back before you have to go out on patrol tonight though.

Love you
~Eiji and Kacchan

I let out a sigh and checked my phone. I had a few random notifications, but no texts, so I didn't bother. I threw the device onto the bed next to me and pulled myself up, deciding to get ready for the day.

Once I had clean clothes on and brushed my teeth, I walked out to my living room. I wasn't hungry, so I just plopped down on my couch and flipped my tv on. I didn't pay much attention to whatever show was on, and let my mind drift.

I had seen Zero and Red more in the past few weeks than any other pro has in their lives. Usually you get lucky if you encounter them once and live through it. Not that they have a high kill streak, but they aren't very careful when it comes to unforeseen deaths. They don't go out of there way to kill people or pros, unlike some other villains, but if it happens, it just happens for them.

I couldn't figure out why they seemed so laid back with me. Or why I let them. I think it's just because they don't seem at all hostile. They don't try to fight me, or even really talk to me. They tend to just ignore me at this point.

Since seeing them at that bar they claim to work at, I've seen them a handful of other times around that same district. They've been quiet the last few days though.

But I had some questions, and tonight on patrol, I intended to get answers.


Kacchan and Eiji were back in a matter of two hours after I woke up, which didn't really surprise me. If they had to work early in the morning, it was never for very long. Their longer shifts were at night, which I guess really made sense now that I know they work as bartenders.

They hung out for a little bit before saying that they really had to go back to their own house. I had been there once, it was an apartment pretty similar to mine, a few minute walk away. I begrudgingly agreed and they headed back, saying they should be back by the time I got off work.

Once it got later, I had to check in at the agency before heading out for patrol. I was in the same district.

I stopped Iida on my way through. "Hey, do you know how long I'm staying in this district?" I asked, pointing to my time sheet for the night.

He glanced at it, then typed something on his computer. "You're scheduled the rest of this month, then you flip to the other side." He said.

I nodded, deep in thought. I threw a thank you over my shoulder at him and started to walk to my area. Why did they have me so centered around this area? Was it because of the higher than average crime rate? Or did it have something to do with the Zero and Red sightings?

My guess was the later.

Before I realized it, I was right where I needed to be. The bar I first saw Red and Zero come out of. I stayed on the opposite side of the road, waiting for one of them to show up. I wasn't really trying to be hidden, I wanted them to notice me and show up.

It didn't take long for them to walk out of the side door. They didn't seem to notice me at first, so I just observed.

"This is so stupid! Why do we have to do this?" red whined, just as the past through the door way.

"Just be quiet, complaining won't help at all." Zero said.

Red lifted his mask up about half way, shocking me. He seemed to be scratching the side of his face or something. I squinted in the dark, trying to make out any features, but I couldn't see from that far away. But then something happen.

Zero bumped into him from behind, making him stager forward and pull his mask the rest of the way off.


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