Chapter 9

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Izuku's POV~

When I woke up, I was completely disoriented. It was dark outside, I could tell by the crack in my curtains. I slept through the entire day, and by the looks of it, Kiri and Kacchan did to. They were both still asleep.

I reached over Kiri and grabbed my phone. The brightness took me a second to get used to, but I saw it was two in the morning. Great, I'd be up for at least twenty four hours.

I was awake.

But I was comfy as heck.

So I just put my phone back and snuggled back in. Ended up staying like that, just laying there, thinking to myself, for a few more hours, until Kacchan woke up.

"How long have you been up?" His gruff morning voice asked, startling me. I hadn't realized he had woken up until he spoke.

"O-oh since two." I answered honestly.

He checked his own phone and saw that it was five thirty now. "Why the fuck didn't you wake one of us up?" He asked, putting his phone down and burying his head into my neck again. It caused shivers to be sent down my spine.

"It seemed you both needed sleep just as much as I did." I said back. My eyes were still closed and my head was still on top of Kiri's chest. I was still tired, but I wasn't able to sleep anymore. The most frustrating thing to experience.

"Tch, you still could have woke us up. You've been stuck here for like three hours." He said. Funny that he said I was 'stuck here' yet he's making no move to let me go. Funny.

"Does it look like I'm complaining?" I shot back.

"Damn nerd, you're probably fucking touch starved." He mumbled.

"So what if I am?" I asked. He didn't respond, but his grip on me tightened. I smiled at his actions. It reminded me of something I said before I fell asleep.

"Just protective." I whispered.


"Nothing, just thinking out loud." I told him.

"Mmk." He mumbled out. He was totally about to fall back asleep. I giggled at the thought and sure enough, not even ten minutes later, he was out like a light, once again. After that I was actually able to half fall asleep for about forty minute intervals until finally woke up for real.

"God damn, we slept for twenty four hours." Kiri said while rubbing his eyes and grabbing his phone. He was wide awake two seconds after seeing his screen. "Shit, Kat we have to go." He said.

Kacchan was up in thirty seconds, ready to leave, for whatever reason. I had moved off of Kiri so he could get up, but I hadn't gotten up myself yet. I just watched them wake up and grab there phones and some random articles of clothing that they some how lost. A hoodie and an odd amount of socks.

"So are you gonna tell me why you're booking it the morning after?" I asked them, making them both freeze. I laughed at their reactions. I knew what I said, I said it for a reason.

"Our boss texted me, we have to get to work. We're already late, sorry Izu." Kiri said, putting his last sock on.

"I totally get a hectic work schedule, don't worry." I said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm really sorry though! I'll definitely talk to you later though!" Kiri said. He stood up, kissed my forehead and walked out of my room.

I sat, stone still, watching him leave. Did he just?...

Kacchan watched the whole thing and was trying to contain his laughter at the look on my face. I snapped my attention to Kacchan. "Did he really just?.." I couldn't even finish my question.

Kacchan saw that, laughed again, and then got up and made his way over to me. He placed a soft kiss on my cheek. "You're both beyond stupid." He said with a fond smile on his face. Then he too, walked out of my room.

"Fuck my life!" I heard Kiri shout before my front door was opened and shut. I couldn't the giggles that escaped my lips. God what was I? I teenage girl with a crush?

Pretty damn close, not gonna lie.

Kirishima's POV~

He pissed and it was understandable. We had gone MIA for twenty four hours right after a very close call. "Where the hell have you two been?!" Shigaraki shouted at us as we walked into the run down bar.

The bar was the Leagues only form of steady, actually legal, income. We all took shifts working it. That's what Kat and I were doing the night Izuku ran into me. The crate of bottles were beer. That were actually bought. We weren't even doing anything illegal that night!

"Do you want an honest answer or a good one?" I asked him. He shot me a glare and I rolled my eyes and Kat and I took a seat and some of the bar stools.

"We were fucking sleeping." Kat answered before I could.

"For twenty four fucking hours?!" He screamed.

"Yes you crusty fucking prune, for twenty four hours. Fuck off." Kat yelled back just as loud. I rolled my eyes at both of them.

Technically Shigaraki was the leader, and our boss, but no one treated him like it, especially Kat and I. The league had more of a family dynamic than a business one. We were all to comfortable with each other to be formal. Well that and the fact Kat and I were pretty fucking scary when we wanted to be. No one really messed with us.

"You're both working double shifts. Tonight. I don't want to hear a single complaint!" Shigaraki said, yelling the last part over his shoulder as he walked out of the main room.

"Fuck you! Try some fucking chap stick for the love of god!" Kat yelled at his retreating figure.

I grabbed his hand to try and calm him down. That, and make sure he didn't actually go after Shigaraki.

"I swear if that damn nerd comes back down here because we aren't there to fucking babysit him-" Kat started to grumble.

"He's gonna hurt himself one of these days. And he won't be able to fix it with the wave of whatever magic wand they keep using on him." I said while grabbing a glass and filling it with whatever we still had. Last time we worked, was stocking night. It kind of got cut short and we've been running on fumes.

"What the fuck are we gonna do?" He whispered as he grabbed the glass from my hand and took a big gulp before handing it back to me.

"I'm not quite sure yet, but I know we have to stay away from his friends. Just because Izuku is one of the most clueless and oblivious people on this planet, doesn't mean all the pros are. They might piece it together quicker than him. We can't take any chances." I said, downing half the glass.

"What'd we do when he finds out?" Kat asked, looking up at me with sad eyes. God I hate his sad eyes.

"I have no idea."

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