Chapter 23

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Let's go out in flames
So everyone knows who we are
Cause these city walls
Never knew that we'd make it this far

Izuku's POV~

I was to seconds from running into the building, not caring about my own safety, when a few rescue heroes showed up. "Don't worry, a few of us have water quirks, we'll go in and get out as many people as we can. Just keep us up to date on the statues so the place doesn't blow with us still inside." One of them said.

Uraraka sent me a look, telling me to let them handle it. I didn't have the right quirk or training for this situation. It was the best option for everyone. I anxiously nodded to the rescue pros and the headed in.

All I could do was wait.

Eiji's POV~

I don't know how it happened, but the whole place was incased in flames. 'Shit, not good, not good.'

"Ei, we have to get out of here!" Kat shouted over the roar of the chaos unfolding around us. People were running for the exits, while others continued to fight or pick off the weaker ones running.

I was about to give in and run with him, but then I remembered something. As insurance so that this exact situation wouldn't happen, a majority of the villains brought their kids. There were all in the second floor.

"Kat we can't! There's kids still in here!" I shouted. Like we've said previously, we aren't monsters, and we sure as hell aren't going to let over twenty kids burn to death.

"Fuck. Lets make this quick." He said as we both ran for the stairs.

Kat had to blast a few people as we went. These idiots didn't seem to grasp the fact that they were going to burn to death if they stayed in the building.

The stairs weren't completely engulfed yet, so we were able to get up them. Once we reached the room were all the kids were supposed to be hanging out, we broke it down. It was locked and we didn't have time to deal with it.

The room was crowded with kids from ages two to probably fifteen. All of them looked terrified. "Okay guys, we have to get you all out of here. This place was set on fire and we don't have much time." Kat explained, surprisingly calm and without swearing.

"I need all of you to link hands so we don't lose any of you, okay?" They all seemed to scared to do anything but nod and do what we say. The older kids lifted up the youngest of them and carried them. Good kids.

"Let's get out of here." I lead the way, with Katsuki in the back, making sure we didn't lose any one.

Once we made it down to the first floor, we froze. The flames had grown even higher, reaching the roof. The second floor had started to cave. Thank god we got them out when we did.

There wasn't anywhere else to go. There wasn't a window or door that was engulfed in flames. The children all huddled together, crying out. There were still at least sixty adults trapped inside the building as well. All continuing to fight. They knew they weren't getting out, but they'd be damned if they went down from anything other than the fire.

Suddenly there was a bang from the wall next to us. A few pros, equipped with water type quirks, appeared. Oh thank the lord.

"Hey you!" I shouted at them. There were gonna get these kids out before worrying about anything else. "Get the kids." I said, pointing to the group.

They were stunned for a minute, not expecting the infamous Red to protect children. Well surprise assholes.

The pros got to work on getting the kids, only being able to fit one or two out at a time. Kat and I focused on holding off the other villains that were focused on hurting each other, and those kids. None of them had noticed the pros or the new exit yet.

I punched another guys in the face. I was going after another when I heard a shout. I turned and saw Kat, lying on the ground, blood spilling from his side. I dropped everything and ran to him.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit." I took my shirt off and held it to the bullet wound. "I'm so sorry. I should have been looking after you. I could have stopped it." I said, holding back the tears. I had to be strong right now. I had to get him out.

"Oh shut up, you couldn't have known that asshole was gonna shoot me." He groaned, placing a hand on top of my blood ones to add more pressure.

I was so focused on Katsuki, that I didn't notice they got all the kids out. Or the fact that the pros were retreating. That couldn't have been good.

"Idiot, this place is gonna blow. You have to get out of here." He said, trying to push me away. I didn't move and kept pressure on his wound.

"Either we get out together, or we stay together. I'm not leaving you." I said back.

"Ah fuck!" He yelled as he moved wrong. "No, you need to get out. Izu needs you. He won't be able to handle losing both of us." Kat said, tears starting to form in his scarlet eyes as the were already falling from mine.

"He'll be fine. He has Uraraka and Iida and all his fans. He'll be able to get through whatever happens. You're the one that needs me right now. I'm not letting you die alone. Remember the pact we made when we first joined the League? Never alone." I said, gripping his hand.

"Never alone." He said back, but his voice was strained. "Just- just tell him we love him. Please."

I nodded and fished out my phone, knowing we didn't have a whole lot of time left.

Izuku's POV~

I saw the pros running out. I knew what that meant. I looked around, trying to see if I could find Kacchan and Eiji anywhere. They had to have gotten out.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and absently went to check what it was, my focus still on finding my boyfriends. Until I saw who the text was from.

I'm so sorry baby, we love you

My eyes widened at the text.


I looked up and rushed towards the building. Before I could get two feet, a voice shouted, "It's gonna blow!"

I didn't hesitant to keep moving forwards.

Until arms wrapped around my body and pulled me back.

Just as the whole building exploded.

Dust and debris flew through the air. The line of pros and cops was far enough back to not get hit directly by the blast, but there was still a huge force. It sent everyone flying back a few feet. However had a hold on me had let go.

As soon as the world stopped spinning, I was on my feet, running towards where the building had once stood.


That hadn't just happened.

They didn't send me a goodbye text.

They didn't get stuck in the building.


I didn't get very far before the same arms wrapped around me again, halting me. I kept trying to get free, causing them to pick me off the ground. I shook around, squirmed, and withered, anything to get free.

"NO! YOU HAVE TO LET ME GO! THEY WERE STILL IN THERE! I HAVE TO GET TO THEM! PLEASE, I NEED TO HELP THEM! PLEASE!" I shouted, trying to get the person to let me go.

I barely registered Uraraka in front of me, until she started talking. "Deku! you have to listen to me. There's nothing left. Everything's gone. They-they wouldn't have been able to survive that blast. I'm so sorry." She said as I started to break down in heart wrenching sobs.

I went limp, not having the energy to do anything but cry. Uraraka grabbed me and took me into her arms, hugging me tightly. "Their gone. I'm so sorry Izuku." She whispered to me as I just lost it.

How could this have happened? How was this fair? Why them? Why not me? Why did it have to be them?

I couldn't control the tears as I held onto Uraraka. But it didn't feel right.

It wasn't right.

She wasn't them.

I wanted them.

And I could never have them again.

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