Chapter 8

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Izuku's POV~

"If I find out you left this house for any reason short of a fire, villains will be the least of your worries." Uraraka said with a dark tone. I nervously nodded as she left my home.

It was the next morning, but still pretty early. The paper work that followed the whole incident took a very long time. And now I was on house arrest, and I wouldn't put it past Uraraka to be on a steak out outside my house.

I sprawled out on my couch and turned on whatever it was that I was last watching. It was that sitcom I fell asleep to last- or two nights ago. Which reminds me, I never texted Kiri and Kacchan.

I pulled out my phone and clicked on each of their contacts, making a small group chat with us three.

Hey guys, it's Midoriya. I just wanted to thank you guys for last night.

I got a text back fairly quick, which surprised me, seeing as it was so early in the morning.

It wasn't last night nerd. When was the last time you slept?

With you guys...

Seriously?! You aren't working today, right? There's no way you can do ya know hero stuff with no sleep

His lack of punctuation nearly killed me.

No, my best friend put me on house arrest :/

Haha nerd, what the hell did you do?

Oh you know, nearly got kidnapped, but it's fine

Jesus Izu

Don't blush. Don't blush. Don't blush. Damn it, I'm blushing.

But it was perfectly fine! I had the situation under control the whole time!

Kirishima's POV~

I looked up at Kat, seeing as we were sitting on the same couch texting him. "No he fucking didn't." I said through a laugh.

Izuku's POV~

And I totally believe that :|


Well I mean clearly you didn't or else your friend wouldn't have put you under house arrest

I'm leaving, you guys are mean

I put my phone down with a pout and crossed my arms over my chest. I totally had it under control.

I heard a few pings, but didn't give in. I lasted about ten minutes before I was just to bored to resist looking.

Aw don't be like that

Cmon nerd, don't be such a baby

Don't worry I hit him for that one



Answer uuuuuuus

If you don't respond, we'll just show up at your house

Guess who just left ;)

Be there in ten nerd

"AHHHHHHH! What the hell?" I said, rereading the texts. They can't come here now! If Uraraka finds out, she'll never let me live it down! She's too shippy for her own good.

Before I could continue to freak out, I heard a knock on my door. I completely froze. There was another knock, this one less patient. Yeah that was Kacchan alright. I went to open it before he just broke it down.

As soon as the door opened, they both walked into my house.

"Hey Izu, miss us?" Kiri asked as he walked by and ruffled my hair, causing me to turn a light shade of pink.

Kiri went straight to my couch and sat in the same spot as last time. Kacchan started to look around my kitchen, collecting ingredients. "Have you eaten yet today nerd?" He asked, not taking his eye off of the task of finding the things he needed for... whatever it was he was going to make I guess.

"Um no, I kind of just got home." I said.

"Okay, go sit with Ei and I'll make you something." He said distractedly.

I stared at him in shock for a few seconds before hesitantly walking out of my kitchen to the living room. I sat down where I had the night before, but Kiri grabbed me and pulled me so I was leaning against him. Fatigue had started to catch up with me, so I just let it happen. Kiri started to run his hand through my curls and I felt my eye lids get heavier and heavier, until they eventually shut.

I could have only been asleep for no more than fifteen minutes when I was gently nudged awake. "Hmm." I didn't want to get up. I was tired and Kiri was an amazing pillow.

"C'mon nerd, you need to eat something, then you can go back to sleep." I heard Kacchan say.

I just groaned and burrowed into Kiri's side more. "If you don't wake up and start eating, I'll fucking force feed you." I heard him growl.

I knew he would do it.

I groaned again and blindly reached for the plate. "Open you're eyes, you damn nerd."

I once again groaned as I did as he said. "Kacchan, you're mean..." I said tiredly as I started to shovel the food into my mouth. If I was more awake, I would have flipped out over how good it was, but I was to exhausted to care.

"I know." He mumbled.

"Jesus Izu, you seriously need more sleep." I heard Kiri say behind me, but it didn't really register. I was to hung up on what Kacchan said.

Once I was done with the food, I put my plate on my coffee table, and stood up. I nearly collapsed, and both boys rushed to get me. I caught myself though. "C'mon," I said with a yawn. I flicked the tv off and moved down the hall, both boys hesitantly following after me.

I walked into my room and shut the light off. The curtain was already closed, so it was pretty dark in my room. I randomly grabbed a hand from behind me and dragged whoever it was with me to the bed. We both laid down and I snuggled into his chest, realizing that I had grabbed Kiri.

I randomly lifted my other hand and motioned for Kacchan to come cuddle to. He, thankfully, understood what the vague hand motion meant, and I felt him crawl in behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist and laying his head near my neck.

"Kacchan isn't mean... he's just protective..." I mumbled as I slipped out of consciousness.

Bakugou's POV~

"Kacchan isn't mean... he's just protective..." I heard the little green bean say before completely passing out.

I looked up at Eijirou and saw him smiling at me.

"Is he trying to fucking kill me?" I whispered to the red head.

He shrugged. "Possibly."

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