Chapter 14

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Izuku's POV~

"W-wait, what?" I asked.

I'm stupid. I'm beyond stupid. He called me kitten! Of course he freaking liked me!

"I can't even deal with how fucking clueless you are." Kacchan said, sitting down on my couch.

"C'mon." Kiri said quietly, leading me to sit on the couch to, just in his lap.

"I-I- What?- When did-" I took a deep breath and moved from sitting on Kiri, to sitting in between them on the couch. "Why?" I asked.

I couldn't come up with any reason why either of them would have the faintest interest in me. Especially once you take into account they already have each other! Why would they want to risk that, for me?

"Because we just fucking do. Neither of us can control who we end up liking." Kacchan said. It was just a bit bitter and I wasn't sure if he was mad that he liked me, or just mad in general. Either way it made me feel terrible.

I shrunk in on myself, feeling more self conscious now than ever before. Was it really that horrific that he ended up liking me? Was I just an inconvenience? Ugh I hate feelings.

"That's not what he meant." Kiri said, noticing my mood shift. "Katsuki is terrible with emotions, don't listen to him try and explain it. He just means there isn't just one concrete answer to that question." Kiri tried explaining. I didn't raise my head.

"Wait, what? What the fuck did I do?" Kacchan asked, confusion clear in his tone. Kiri face palmed at his reaction.

"You sounded upset that you ended up liking him." Was his muffled response.

I watched Kacchan's eyes go wide as realization came across his features. "That's not what I meant! I just meant that I don't know how or why I started to like you, I just fucking did! I'm not mad about it though. Why would I be mad about it? You're fucking amazing, how could someone not like you?" He started to nervously ramble. Kacchan was rambling.

I put my hand over his mouth, affectively shutting him. "Rambling is my thing, thank you very much." I said with a small smile. He rolled his eyes, but as I moved my hand, I saw that he was smiling slightly.

"Now that Kat has successfully embarrassed himself," Kiri said, lightening the mood and causing Kacchan to scoff as I giggled, "can we get back to the matter at hand?"

"And what would that be?" I asked him.

"Well- would you- maybe- wanna be- you know- our-" Kiri started to trip over his words as he tried to ask me the question.

"Oh for the love of god Shitty hair. Izuku," He said, grabbing my attention, "do you wanna be our boyfriend?" He asked me.

"C'mon! I wanted to ask him!" Kiri said in a disappointed tone from behind me.

"Should have spit it out faster then. Now what do you say nerd?" Kacchan asked, actually looking worried.

He was worried I'd say no.


I looked back and forth between them, something I realized I had started to do much more frequently. "And you're both okay with that?" I asked. I didn't want to barge into a relationship that they didn't want me in.

"Of course!" Kiri said, seeming sad that I questioned if they actually wanted me or not.

"Well then, there's your answer." I said casually.

It took Kiri a second for it to process. He was sitting confused for a second. "Oh my god Ei, he's our fucking boyfriend now." Kacchan said, pulling me into his chest.

Kiri's face lit up and jumped on top of me to pull me into a hug. Kacchan was laying against the arm rest of my couch, my back to his chest, and Kiri was laying on top of me, chest to chest. It was pretty dang comfortable, but I was worried we'd crush Kacchan. When he never complained, we just kind of stayed like that.

We were laying in a comfortable silence. I was running my fingers through Kiri's hair, as Kacchan was running a hand up and down my arm. It only lasted a few minutes before Kiri spoke up, lifting his head to look me in the eyes.

"You've got to make us a promise." He said out of no where.

I looked at him weirdly, not sure where this was coming from. "About?" I asked.

"You have to promise to take better care of yourself." He said. Thank god, I thought he was going to say something weird. "We were worried and protective before, but it's only gonna get worse. Please just... be more careful." He sounded so genuinely concerned. It hurt my heart a little bit.

"I'm always careful." I said back. If he was worried I'd get hurt out in the field, well I do that regularly, but it's never to terrible. I'm careful to avoid death at least.

"Don't lie." Kacchan's voice sounded from behind me. "You literally went out on patrol last night when you weren't fully recovered yet."

"I'm fine now! I needed a singular night to heal. It doesn't hurt or ache or anything now. I'm completely fine to work." I argued back.

"You have zero sense of self preservation, and that might be fine to you, but it's not to us." Kiri said.

This is why it's hard for pros to have relationships, especially with non heroes. They don't understand what we've already accepted to deal with when we sign up for our jobs. They don't get that I know I have no sense of self preservation. That's kind of the point.

Nevertheless, I gave in. I didn't feel like having a full blown fight within the first fifteen minutes of us officially dating. "I get that. I'll try, I promise." I said.

I never said I would for sure, just that I would try.


It seemed to satisfy them both though. They dropped it for the time being.

"I hope you know I'm still going on patrol tonight." I said as we all got up. They had been called into work again. It made me wonder what kind of hours they worked. They didn't seem to have a schedule, just got called in whenever they're needed.

"We figured." Kiri said.

"There isn't a whole lot we can do to stop you at this point, so just promise us to be careful and for the love of god, don't get into a fight." Kacchan said.

I playfully rolled my eyes at his overprotectiveness. "No promises. Well I can promise to be careful, just not the whole 'no fight' thing. It comes with the territory." I said, backtracking the 'smooth' response I had originally intended to use. I'm so lame.

"If you come back with any broken bones, I will commit homicide." He threw over his shoulder as he followed Kiri through my kitchen to my front door.

I rolled my eyes at his exaggeration. "I'm sure you will." I said back mockingly.

I only got looks from both of them that made me question if he really would. I brushed it off as the opened my door. "Bye nerd, we'll text you once our shifts are over." Kacchan said.

"Okay, bye guys! Have fun working." I teased, seeing as I wouldn't work until later.

"Bye kitten. Oh by the way, nice sweatshirt." Kiri said with a smirk as he shut the door and they left.

I looked down and realized I was in his hoodie.

Holy shit, how long had I been wearing it?

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